MARKOVIC CALLS FOR THE SPILL OF BLOOD: Goran Vesic’s reaction to the director’s statement


Vesić said that Marković did not miss the opportunity to accuse the government of dictatorship, and that today he became the most radical and “predicted that he would make a sacrifice because he would not make more films.”

– Today, Goran Markovic called for bloodshed in Serbia. Like any coward, he asks the citizens to shed their blood. His contribution to the bloodshed will be that he won’t make movies … If it’s Markovic’s, that’s a lot – said Vesić.

Vesić said that Marković, like most of those who attack the government, lived off the state he was attacking.

It explains, that is, that Markovic was on the commission that chose the script for the Nemanjići series, which he was paid for, and chose, Vesić said, the script in which the Nemanjići appeared as “treacherous and drunk street people” .

– He fulfilled his ideological mission, and the state still paid him. The same state RTS made a special show, Self-Portrait on Markovic. Strange to the opponent of the state. But in Serbia, where Vučić is the president, he can do that too, Vesić said.

Vesić adds that in RTS, with money from the Serbian budget, Marković shot miniseries and films ‘Delirium Tremens’ and ‘Blind Passenger on a Ship of Madmen’, and that the other day the Cinematheque organized a screening of a restored version of his film Masters, Masters’, while last year, the main stage of GDP, at the suggestion of the Belgrade City Council, took the name of its parents, who certainly deserved it.

– Markovic is a classic Serbian opponent of today. His mouth is full of attacks on President Vučić and the government, and his pockets are full of state money. Obscene, perfidious and immoral – said Vesić.

Regarding the mention of Emir Kusturica, Vesić said that it was not his place to defend him, but that “the smallest or insignificant prize from Kusturica is more important than the largest and most important from Marković.”

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