MARKO ĐURIĆ FROM BRUSSELS: We brought serious experts, and they go back 13 centuries (VIDEO)


Đurić, who heads the Belgrade delegation in the technical expert talks on normalization of relations with Priština in Brussels, said that today there are serious experts from the NBS, experts on public and private property and with concrete proposals and modalities on how to solve problems.

– We had a not too rational, bitter and emotional discussion in which the representatives of Pristina tried to go back 13 centuries and present Serbia as a colonizer, occupying not only Kosovo and Metohija, but also Toplica and deviating from the subject with irrational information, historically wrong – Djuric told reporters in Brussels.

He said the Belgrade delegation responded with a rational approach and disagreed with removing the JCC topic from the agenda, or that it was renamed in an inappropriate way that would not reflect a status-neutral form of conversation.

“It does not occur to us to turn the SSO talks into talks about the position of national minorities, nor will we accept that the Serbian people are treated in Kosovo and Metohija as a national minority,” Đurić said.

– There is no progress in the talks until the SSO is fully implemented, as agreed in 2013 and 2015 – Đurić said.

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