Marko Bošnjak delighted Serbia with his voice, and this is how he looks today (PHOTO)


Marko Bošnjak, a boy who fascinated an audience of millions at the “Pink Stars” competition five years ago, when he won in the second season.

This talented boy has never given up on music and plans to take his career to the next level. Before participating in “Pink Stars”, Marko was in an audition where the jury told him that he had no talent. That turned out to be incorrect.

“Some people told me then that I do not know how to sing … But I do not want to talk about them, because we turn to beautiful things. I want to work on myself and I would not want to pay more attention to such comments. I showed that I know that I sing and that is my greatest reward, “said Marko.

photo: Printskrin

After winning in 2016, he continued to develop his talent. He recently recalled the moment when he took the award home and with the following message he described how these four years were for him.

“My parents and friends were my biggest support throughout the competition. I can’t wait to go home and celebrate the victory with my friends. Without them it would not have been possible to achieve this. Before going on stage, they told me to be relaxed. and to do what I do best, “said Marko Bošnjak on one occasion.

See how it looks today:Đ.

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Author: delivery courier
