MARINKO ROKVIĆ EMERGENCY OPERATED! After surgery, the singer is still in the hospital! SON NIKOLA: We hope for the best


Marinko Rokvić was operated on Tuesday at the Serbian Clinical Center, Kurir exclusively learns.

photo: Dragana Udovicic

The singer came to the hospital for a routine checkup and ended up on the operating table. According to members of the Rokvić family, the folker endured the intervention well and the postoperative period, as we learn, is going according to plan. Due to the coronary virus pandemic and security reasons, his wife Slavica, their children Nikola and Marko were unable to visit her husband and father, but were informed of his current health status. This was confirmed in a conversation with Kurir by the singer’s youngest heir, Nikola.

photo: Printskrin / Instagram

– It’s true that my dad had surgery yesterday. It feels good and we hope everything is in the best order – said Nikola for Kurir.

photo: Ana Paunković

From what we learned, Marinko was very active in the previous days and there was nothing to indicate that he had to undergo surgery. By the way, Rokvić retired from the music scene in recent months and dedicated himself to his family, and especially his grandchildren, with whom he spent most of his time. He did not accept the positions, but he adhered to all the measures recommended by the crisis headquarters. I wanted to wait for the situation with the pandemic to calm down and then continue working. We tried to contact his wife Slavica, but she did not respond to our calls. A. Č. – Š. S. / Photo: Marina Lopičić

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