06.10.2020. 17:29
On the occasion of today’s provocations by the Vice President of the Freedom and Justice Party, Marinika Tepić, on how the director of the EPS, Milorad Grčić, should resign from the position he occupies, he responded with a letter that we are transmitting in its entirety :

Marinika Tepic, Photo: Tanjug
“Dear Mrs. Tepic,
Thank you for remembering to address me, regardless of the fact that I am unclear on who is doing this.
You are not a “representative of the citizens”, because that is what happens in the elections, in which you did not participate. It is true that you may have had some secret elections, for the “representative”, God knows whose, but as the people remained uninformed about them, in no way can they perceive it as “theirs”. Dragan Djilas can already, because in all these directions to state, public and other companies, you represent him and his business partners exclusively.
And everywhere you would like to get back in the chair, get the money back from the state, like seconds in RTS, here you are, sweetly passively aggressive, as you represent it, stating, of course, that you are, in all this, simply “representative of the citizenship “.
Just as the president of his current party, Dragan Djilas, led a group that, like a termite, looted and devoured the budget of the Republic of Serbia and led our country to bankruptcy, so the friends of his boss Djilas looted and robbed EPS. It is not clear to me which citizens you represent, as you did not participate in the elections even for the local community council, but I am not surprised that you demanded a response before October 5, because that date is an association for you and their boss Djilas steal seats in the Assembly. , but also to come to power on the street. After all, that’s where all the answers are, the one who looted on October 5 and stole seats in the Assembly to get to power, then stole seconds and looted Kolubara, EPS and all other state systems.
What it seemed when the team of its current boss, Djilas, ran EPS is best shown by the fact that from 2004 to 2012, on average, 237 million euros were invested per year, and from 2013 to 2019, 360 to 400 million euros a year.
With a better, smarter and more serious policy, firstly from the state of Serbia and the government that saved us from its debts, and then with the internal behavior of the new EPS management, we managed to find more funds for investments. Or let me tell you that during the reign of his boss Djilas and his friends, EPS took over 28 billion dinars for the liquidity of the company, so the new management had to refinance that money for 2015, unfortunately, but since then our company no longer borrows. liquidity money.
Or ask yourself and the leaders of the parties that have changed so far, and especially the current one, how electricity was marketed in EPS, or why Boris Tadic, with fabricated scandals, destroyed the entire EPS engineering staff and Kolubara, to get revenge. Vojislav Kostunica. You scare EPS employees with imaginary layoffs that you are announcing and forget that it was your boss Djilas’ government that expelled a large number of EPS employees from the parent company, when you were preparing EPS for sale.
Furthermore, it is misleading the public by saying that this EPS management has not started desulfurization and that EPS is poisoning people, and the truth is quite the opposite. Right at the time of his boss, the process of cooperation with foreign partners stopped and only with the arrival of the new leadership, the whole procedure was resumed. There are many examples of Mrs. Tepic about non-domestic business during the government of your friends and your current boss Djilas, but that does not interest you. She was not interested even when she was a member of parliament, she did not ask those questions then, she did not have time for initiatives that wanted to charge the entire Serbian people with the crimes of Srebrenica and declare them genocidal. It has not had time since MPs from other countries spat on Serbia which hardly anyone supports.
So like I said, I know you love October 5, which is a sweet date for you, but it will no longer be in this country. Not even in our company, which feeds 30,000 souls, their children and entire families. If only you had won the vote of the people in the local community elections, let me tell you this personally. And so we will meet somewhere else, in the courtroom, where you will be held responsible for the dishonorable charges and spitting on EPS. Here’s something wicked.
Your boss Djilas ordered you to work at every step to the detriment of our state companies, Telecom, now EPS, and I’m sure it will be the others’ turn. While he could milk, steal, steal seconds, and hunt, they were the most beautiful and successful in the world. I don’t remember him or you spitting on Telecom when he finished selling copyrights and full televisions. And now, like a poor young man who did not do well with a girl, he spits all the bells, insults and scolds. He stole, showed exceptional complexes when he was mugged and expelled. Fortunately, people know. “