Marinika Tepić – RTS hides that Lončar prohibited reevaluation of doctors


The vice president of the Freedom and Justice Party (SAA), Marinika Tepic, said today that she demanded that RTS publish information and a document in which the Ministry of Health “ordered the health institutions to prohibit the reevaluation of health workers in KOVID-19 after 14 days and thus forcing doctors to patients are working ”, in addition to publishing“ all the information about the real situation of the Serbian health system ”, it was announced from the SAA.

In a written statement, Tepic asked the public media service to make sure the program “hears the opinions of experts who can help overcome this tragic situation rather than the stunners of crisis personnel.” He asked the government to “immediately withdraw the proposal to increase the mandatory subscription to television.”

“How many more people should get sick from KOVID-19, how many more people should die from this disease, what kind of decline should the health system of this country experience so that RTS, as a public service, is in the role of informing to citizens, not in the role of protecting the government? and covering up all its failures with tragic consequences, “said Tepic.

Tepic affirmed that in the midst of the escalation of the pandemic, the daily breaking of the black record in the number of infected and deceased both citizens and health workers, RTS did not consider it necessary to point out to the authorities about the fatality of organizing purchases for the ‘ Black Friday ‘. promoted this event to its central newspaper “.

“For RTS, it was not important how many people would be infected, but whether the discounts were adequate and in line with the discounts in Europe. The fact that nothing in Serbia is in line with what is happening in Europe is not important to RTS. But it is important that we keep up with Europe in discounts, while people pay the highest price with their lives. And because of that, they are still asking for a 20 percent subscription increase (mandatory electric meter taxes) for the RTS program, “Tepic said.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
