05.09.2020. 20:30
She couldn’t keep quiet …

Photo: YouTube / Printscreen
Ivan Marinkovic recently left reality and at least for now, he no longer intends to return to the controversial village.
However, according to Marija Kulić, the grandmother of her son Željko, she expressed no desire to see him after he left reality.

Photo: print screen
– I will take care of my grandson in “Cooperativa 4” and I will take care of him. Ivan Marinkovic didn’t even call to ask about his son. It’s just air for us – he said.

Photo: Alo.rs
– I thought that Miljana would never reconcile with Zola. What hurts me the most is that there is no love between them. Zola loves her just for money. I just hope she freaks out before marrying her and ruins her life – Marija added.
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