Marija Stanković from Donje Dragovlje village in Gadžin Han municipality was the only unemployed doctor with a mean of 9.57.
After broadcasting articles on television and writing for numerous outlets, Marija got a job. He received several offers, but also an offer from the Minister of Police, Nebojsa Stefanovic, to work at the Police Administration health station in Nis.
Less than a month ago, the only unemployed doctor in Gajin Han Township stated that she did not think she would look for work for that long.
– I did not imagine that I would look for work for so long, I thought that, with an average like that, I could get a job somewhere immediately. I am ready to work anywhere. Just to find a job – said Marija Stanković from Donja Dragovlje at the time.
At that time, no one expected his life to change so quickly. Offers from Nis, Belgrade, Banja Luka followed …
However, after checks and tests, Marija started working as a doctor at the Police Administration health station in Nis.

– Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic called me personally and asked if I wanted to work in the police and I am truly infinitely grateful for that. The work of a doctor in the police is very interesting. I have been filming with the police for two weeks and it is really interesting. Something completely different – says Dr. Marija.
The whole family experienced a change because they replaced the rural idyll with the noise of the city.
– And they were all surprised, happy and sad at the same time, because we had to move. Some even cried, emotions from all sides – says Marija.
Finally, with a smile on her face, Marija is grateful to everyone in the police, from the Minister and the Head of the Police Administration in Nis to all the colleagues who know her.
(Kurir.rs/RTS/Foto:RTS print screen)

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