
Photos: Facebook, Instagram
It lasted about twenty minutes. The fight died down after that, we thought he was gone, but then we heard gunshots.
This was said yesterday for Kurir by the neighbor Marija Stanojoski (31), who was killed in a “golf” car in the parking lot in front of the building in Pancevo where she lived, by Milan Zivojinovic (41) of Veliki Gradiste, and then committed suicide.

It is presumed that Milan and Marija were in an emotional relationship, and that, according to the neighbors, they had a fierce brawl on the fateful day.
– It bothered her the day before yesterday, and I don’t know why she didn’t want to open it for him. When the screaming stopped, Maria left the apartment, probably believing that Milan was gone. However, he seemed to be waiting for her hiding in the hallway between the buildings, and as soon as he saw her leave, he headed towards her.
She started to run away, but he chased after her. She ran to her “golf” and entered with the intention of escaping – recounts the drama that preceded the tragedy, Kurir’s interlocutor. As he says, although the woman managed to get into the car, she could not save herself from crazy Milan.

– He flew into the passenger seat as soon as she opened it. The fight also continued in the car, and Milan first fired a gun at the roof of the “golf”, most likely to intimidate Maria.
As she did not give up not wanting to speak, he put a gun to her forehead and shot her. Then she shot herself in the temple – says the source and adds that the crime was recorded by security cameras.
Two marriages
The locals of Veliki Gradište say that they did not know Milan well, because he came from time to time to his hometown. – He was married and had children. He later divorced and married a Bosnian woman, with whom he went to Slovakia, but we do not know if he also divorced her. We heard he was driving a bus through Germany, neighbors say.
Our interlocutor says that the pistol with which Zivojinovic shot belongs to his father and that he had it legally.
– It is presumed that he secretly took his father’s gun, but also the car, which he used to drive from Gradište to Pancevo. It is suspected that he went to Maria to clarify their relationship – explains the source.

A neighbor says she heard that Marija was dating a man who was married for a while.
– She said she wanted to end that relationship, but he did not reconcile with that. He was jealous and chased her – says a neighbor. Neighbors add that she worked as a translator in the company, but also that she taught German in schools.
A wealthy family
Neighbors say the murdered woman comes from a wealthy and respectable family. – My father was a military man, we heard that he had the rank of major. Later he opened a parking lot. Marija went to school, graduated from university, improved her skills. She also did more work for the children to live well, says the neighbor.
– He lived with his children. We did not know Milan. Until three months ago, another man lived with her – says the neighbor and adds that they did not hang out too much with the murdered person.
– We heard that you met Milan in Germany, where you were perfecting your language. Presumably he worked there as a driver – says the neighbor.
(Kurir.rs / Kurir Team / Photo: Damir Dervišagić, printscreen Facebook, printsrceen Instagram)

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