Many have lost their patience, and here is the most important thing


The deputy director of the Institute “Trampolín”, Darija Kisić Tepavčević, said that “Trampolín” is the institution that groups public health in the country, from where all the data collected by the regional institutes come.

“We write reports about it regularly, as was the case in previous decades on infectious diseases. Now there is more interest in this type of activity when it comes to covid. It takes time to collect data, when it is a regular situation, it is published to the middle of the year the previous year ”, says the epidemiologist and member of the RTS Crisis Staff.

Regarding the epidemiological situation and the numbers that arrive every day, Kisic points out that the most important thing is whether there were deaths in the last 24 hours, as well as the number of people on respirators, with the most difficult clinical picture.

photo: Printscreen RTS

In addition, he adds, it is important how much is the workload of health institutions, the number of hospitalized and the available capacity to react on time.

He points out that the epidemiological situation in Serbia is extremely favorable compared to other countries in the region and Europe.

He states that the winter period is approaching, when there is a season for other respiratory infections.

“We must do everything possible to maintain this favorable situation. It is up to us how many cases occur. The best example is China, where there has been no local transmission of the virus for several decades. This epidemiological period is longer than previously thought. many have lost patience. ” but we must not allow infection and spread of infection to be allowed, “said Darija Kisić.


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