Many expressions of condolences on the death of Dragan Janjic


Many expressions of condolences on the death of Dragan Janjic

Numerous colleagues, media outlets, state officials, politicians, organizations and public figures expressed their condolences for the sudden death of the editor-in-chief and one of the founders of the Beta agency, Dragan Janjic.

The Independent Association of Journalists said goodbye to its colleague, Dragan Janjic, with the words:

“He was our role model in every way and we will remember him as a noble man and an uncompromising fighter for freedom of public expression, truth and justice. We sympathize with the pain of the family and the journalistic community.”

The Minister for Culture and Information, Maja Gojković, sent a telegram of condolences on her own behalf and on behalf of the Ministry.

“To this day, journalism does not have an experienced journalist and editor, who left a mark on the media scene with his work,” Gojković said in the telegram.

Together for Serbia President Nebojsa Zelenovic stated that “Janjic was an uncompromising fighter for independence and freedom of the media, for objectivity, professionalism and ethics, for the highest standards and qualities of the profession. journalistic “.

The leader of the Serbian Renewal Movement, Vuk Draskovic, also joined in the expressions of condolences.

“With the sudden departure of Dragan Janjic, our journalism lost a quiet, but famous, persistent and tireless reporter, chronicler, critic and editor. He was rare among the rare and best,” said Draskovic.

The president of the municipality of Cajetina, Milan Stamatovic, on his own behalf and on behalf of all employees of the municipality of Cajetina, sent a telegram of condolences on the death of the editor-in-chief of the Beta agency, Dragan Janjic.

Dear friends, we were deeply shocked and moved by the news of the sudden death of our friend Dragan Janjic, with whom we had much more than business cooperation. With his great journalistic and life experience, he always had the will and the time to speak with us and give us a nice word. useful advice, for which we will be eternally grateful, ”said Stamatović.

Transparency Serbia expressed its condolences to the family and the Beta agency.

“We lost a wonderful colleague, teacher, associate, friend. Beta and Serbia lost an excellent and dedicated journalist and editor. We received the news of Dragan Janjic’s death with disbelief, great sadness and shock.

The Freedom and Justice Party (SAA) sent its condolences to the family and employees of the Beta agency on the death of its editor-in-chief, Dragan Janjic.

Dragan Janjic, a great professional, a great journalist, a man of commitment and tolerance, but also a steadfast fighter for freedom of public expression and democracy, is gone. His departure is a great loss, mainly for his family, but also for the journalistic profession and all free-thinking Serbian citizens. “

The SAA stated that Janjic’s journalistic and editorial approach, as well as his valuable social activism, will be an important indicator for generations to come.

“Thanks for everything, Dragan Janjic!” He expresses condolences.

“Members of the New Party were very sorry to learn of the loss of the dean of Serbian journalism, the editor-in-chief of the Beta news agency, Dragan Janjic.

At a time when free, independent and professional journalism is going through perhaps its most difficult moments, times fraught with temptation and pressure, names like Janjic must become synonymous with the fight for the ethics of the journalistic profession and a guide for all his peers, students and successors. This is a great loss for journalism in Serbia and, on our own behalf and on behalf of the New Party leadership, we express our deepest condolences.

Convinced that, as before, you will continue on the path set out by your editor-in-chief, please convey our message of sympathy in these difficult times to Mr. Janjic’s family, “said Zoran Zivkovic, founder of the New Party.

The United Trade Union of Sloga sent its condolences to Dragan Janjić’s family and the Beta editorial office.

“A great man and a journalist left since there was something to learn,” they said from that union.

Many colleagues, media and associations sent their condolences on the death of Dragan Janjic

Many colleagues from national and foreign newsrooms, as well as journalists’ associations, expressed their regret at the sudden death of Beta’s editor-in-chief, Dragan Janjic.

“We were abandoned by a dear colleague and friend, one of the best among us. A great journalist and editor and a faithful and persistent colleague, who left an indelible mark on our journalism and the fight for press freedom. Dragan Janjic was our role model in every way and we will remember him “As a noble man and an uncompromising fighter for freedom of public expression, truth and justice. We participate in the pain of the family and the journalistic community,” he said. the Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia (NUNS).

On the occasion of the passing of Beta agency editor-in-chief Dragan Janjić, the executive director of the Demostat research and publishing center Aleksandar Stefanović sent his condolences to the Janjić family and to the Beta editorial office on his own behalf and on behalf of of your staff.

“On my personal behalf, on behalf of the owner and the entire Demostat team, and on the occasion of the death of Dragan Janjic, our long-time friend and partner, I accept my deepest condolences.
God always takes the best. May he have eternal glory ”, is stated in the declaration of condolences.

With the departure of Dragan Janjic, a big name in Serbian independent journalism is leaving, the French Couriers des Balkans announced on Twitter.

In his rich career, he was also a correspondent for Deutsche Welle radio … He was always a fighter for free journalism, announced the editorial office of Deutsche Welle in Serbian.

Journalists from the Belgrade correspondent for the Italian news agency ANSA also expressed their condolences.

The Independent Association of Journalists of Vojvodina (NDNV), the BBC editorial office in Serbian and many other newsrooms and colleagues also sent condolences to the family and the Beta agency.
