Manojlović on the stadium: a man would like to be an architect, coach and fan


Savo Manojlović, president of the Association for the Protection of Constitutionality and Legality, said live on Dan, commenting on the president’s statement that the National Stadium is an “essential necessity”, that it is “an absolute usurpation of executive powers. “. “At a time when we do not have a formed government, it seems to me that a man plans to be everything in this country, and an architect, probably a contractor, the next day a coach of the national soccer team, and probably an aspirant As a fan, it seems to me that this is a small country for so many unfulfilled childhood ambitions, ”he says.

UZUZ announced that it was more than 13,000 citizens signed a petition against the construction of the National Stadium.

The goal of the petition, Manojlović says, is simple: stop construction of the stadium.

“The next steps are to submit a request for information of public importance to obtain a study on the economic profitability, and after that we will continue to sign the petition and we will take care of organizing people more to avoid unreasonable spending of money by Serbian citizens “, said.

As he said, according to what they discussed with the team of experts, they see “not profitable”.

First of all, in the place where it is located. It would be a national stadium, where only the national team would play, which practically means that only qualifications could be played there, which means 4.5 games a year. It is difficult in that place. to organize other events. It would be more rational to raise money, if sports were done, to fix stadiums in the interior of the country ”, he says.

Commenting on the president’s statement that the national stadium is “an urgent necessity”, Manojlović says it is “an absolute usurpation of executive powers”.

“At the moment when we do not have a formed government, it seems to me that a man plans to be everything in this country, and an architect, probably a contractor, the next day a coach of the national soccer team, and probably an aspirant A fanatic, it seems to me that this is a small country. So many unfulfilled ambitions since childhood. In the constitutional and legal sense, if we are talking, this is a classic usurpation of power, a single person cannot make all these decisions, it is necessary let the profession give an opinion, ”says Manojlovic.

As he said, “in addition to the usurpation of power and the lack of economic profitability, we also have the issue of priorities.”

“At the time of the pandemic, we have a country with devastated medical care, it seems to me that there is an urgent need for our older fellow citizens not to wait in hospitals for an indecent time,” he says.
