Mandic presented the details of the brutal attack on him in Novi Sad VIDEO


MLADIC, BEAUTIFULLY BEATEN BY KONTIC, TESTIFIED AT THE AUDIT: Mandic gave details of a brutal attack against him in Novi Sad VIDEO

Milan Mandic court testimony, Photo: Kurir, private archive, Screeenshot

“I know Kontić as a friend of my brother and I don’t know why he attacked me. You saw everything in the video.”

This, among other things, was stated on Friday by Miljan Mandić (28) from Belgrade, at the Superior Prosecutor’s Office in Novi Sad. Mandić is suspected of being beaten by Ivan Kontić (30) on August 24, and the video showing Kontić brutally beating Mandić and breaking his arms shook Serbia. After the attack, Kontić fled to Montenegro, where he was detained in October and awaiting extradition to Serbia.

Attempted murder

Mandic appeared yesterday at this prosecution, accompanied by his lawyer Borivoje Borovic, to testify about the incident. As we found out, he explained what happened on the fateful night. It is interesting that he spoke more about what he heard from the media and what he saw on the recording, than about the attack itself.

Terribly Kontić breaks Mandić's hands
Kontić terribly breaks Mandić’s handsphoto: Screeenshot

– I remember sitting in a cafe with a friend when Kontić, whom I know only as a friend of my brother, knocked on the glass door. I went out to see what he wanted and there he hit me. You know everything else – supposedly Mandic said.

In addition to the aggrieved party, several witnesses were heard at the prosecution. By the way, in September, when Mandic appeared for the first time, the defense lawyers of the suspects OL and LV requested exemption from the Novi Sad High and Appeal, as well as from the Public Ministry of the Republic. The reason for requesting the exemption is the suspicion of impartiality, since this crime was first classified as serious bodily injury, and then without special and new facts and evidence it was reclassified as an attempted murder, the defense attorneys said at that time, but their requests they were rejected.

Kontic awaits extradition

Let us remind you, half an hour after midnight on August 24 this year, in front of the bar on Jevrejska Street in Novi Sad, Kontić attacked Miljan. He brutally beat him while the young man lay unconscious on the ground. At one point, as can be seen from the security camera footage that appeared two weeks later, Kontić attempted to break both of the young man’s arms.

Kontić arrested
Kontić arrestedphoto: Screeenshot

Kontić disappeared immediately after the brutal beating and an international arrest warrant was issued against him. He was arrested in October in Montenegro, with a warrant issued by Serbia, in a rented apartment in the Podgorica neighborhood of Zabjelo. At the hearing before the judge in Podgorica, he stated that he had agreed to be extradited to Serbia according to the abbreviated procedure. Until the Montenegrin judicial authorities, with the consent of the local Minister of Justice, decide on the request, Kontić will remain in extradition detention. Sladjana Stojanovic Photo: Kurir, private archive, Screeenshot

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Author: delivery courier
