“Mandatory MASKS on Airplanes”: all seats may be filled, the dilemma about TESTING remains | Society


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May 13, 2020 12:38 PM |

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Speaking about getting on the plane, Dr. Kon said a test for the coronavirus may be required, but is not required.

Can we go to the sea this summer? What will a trip abroad be like? Will there be mandatory tests for the corona virus when I leave Serbia, but also when I return home? These are currently the most current issues as summer vacation approaches.

In addition to the doubts related to traveling by car, there are many more unknowns when it comes to traveling by plane. Air traffic in most countries has not yet been standardized, and Dr. Predrag Kon tried to explain what airplane flight might be like in the future during the appearance of a guest on the “Questionnaire” program on RTS.

Speaking about getting on the plane, Dr. Kon said a test for the coronavirus may be required, but is not required.

– All passengers should wear protective equipment, all should wear a protective mask and, if possible, gloves, although they will not be mandatory – said Dr. Predrag Kon.

There has been a lot of controversy over whether half of the seats on the plane will have to be empty.

– There is a special ventilation system on the plane, research has been carried out that has shown that there is no reason why the seats should not be filled – Kon said.

According to him, the plane can be loaded, but everyone must have a protective mask and airlines must determine whether to introduce tests.

– This is dynamic and changing, so the question of getting on a plane is a, and the other is in the country, gloves are not mandatory on the plane – Kon noted.
