MANDATORY MASKS FOR CHILDREN OVER 4 YEARS OLD Government adopts Decree, NEW MEASURES explained in detail


The latest government decree on measures to prevent and suppress the infectious disease kovid 19 was published yesterday in the Official Gazette of Serbia, detailing the latest measures that will come into force on Sunday, some that have been in force for a long time, but also some that have caused confusion.

The latest Decree, which was adopted yesterday in the session of the Government of Serbia, explains in detail the new measure related to the PCR test and entry into Serbia, which will come into force on Sunday, December 20.

What is also stated in the latest government document is that children over the age of four are required to wear protective masks. This is a measure that has not been talked about or discussed in public lately.

Entry into Serbia, PCR test, quarantine

Article four explains in detail the latest decision of the Government of Serbia regarding the entry of foreign citizens and our people living abroad.

The Regulation establishes:

Foreigners can enter the Republic of Serbia only if they have a negative RT-PCR test for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, no longer than 48 hours, issued by the reference laboratory of the country they come from. Passengers must be screened before traveling, not upon arrival in the Republic of Serbia. They cannot enter Serbia if they have not been tested and do not have a negative RT-PCR test and must return to the country they came from. If there is a delay in entry into the Republic of Serbia, which cannot be attributed to the fault of the passenger, but is the consequence of an external event that could not have been foreseen, avoided or eliminated (flight delay / delay, departure from buses, trains, etc.) then the test cannot be more than 72 hours when entering the Republic of Serbia.

Citizens of the Republic of Serbia and foreign nationals who have been granted temporary residence or permanent residence in Serbia, as well as members of diplomatic and consular staff and their families, who do not have a negative RT-PCR test for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, issued by the reference laboratory of the state from which they come no more than 48 hours from the date of issuance of the results, upon entry to Serbia A quarantine measure is determined at home for 10 days.

The quarantine will cease to be valid if the person to whom it is assigned for the duration of the measure got a negative RT-PCR test to the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus emitted by the reference laboratory.

Upon entry into Serbia, health warnings will be displayed at border crossings and, during passport control, other written notifications may be delivered in the form of health warnings.

However, what is also mentioned in the decree and what confuses many, is the article related to children and the use of masks. According to the latest government decree, children over the age of four must wear masks. In addition to the well-known rules for wearing masks indoors, the following is added:

“Parents of minor children or children with special needs, that is, their guardians, are obliged to ensure that children over four years of age wear a protective mask indoors and outdoors when it is not possible to provide a distance of more than two meters “.

Leaving the hospital without a follow-up test

The second article of the Decree defines hospital treatment, home isolation, but also the protocols for leaving the hospital, so it is indicated no corona check test necessary to remove the patient from hospital treatment.

The Decree establishes that people who have been tested for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and who have not been diagnosed with any symptoms or signs of the infectious disease COVID-19, are sent to home isolation with health supervision for 14 days. After this period, they must appear before the primary care doctor (COVID clinic) of the Health Center.

People suffering from Kovid, and in whom the severity of the disease does not require treatment in hospital conditions, during the period of infection, after an examination by a specialist doctor, are sent to home isolation under the supervision of a doctor primary care (COVID clinic). If necessary, they are also referred to the admission and triage center of COVID hospitals.

People suffering from the infectious disease COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, after isolation, treatment and discharge to home treatment without RT-PCR test controls, They are obliged to remain under health surveillance for another 14 days (home isolation), after which they report to the primary care doctor (COVID clinic) at the health center.

When the regulation comes into force

This Decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, except for the provisions relating to the PCR test for entry into Serbia, which will apply from December 20 to January 10 2021. The provision related to entry into the country, which refers to home quarantine control, can be applied for a few more days until January 19, 2021.
