Man with coronary heart disease discharged from hospital to die at home: thanks to the fact that the son is still alive | The world


NewsOnline |

May 03, 2020 12:06 AM |

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The son decided to fight for his father’s life until the last minute and turned a part of his UK home into an emergency hospital.

When Surakant “Suri” Natwani, 81, returned from the hospital to his home in the UK, he had only one plea for his son: to let him die at home.

– Please promise me. If I need to die, let me die here. “Don’t take me to the hospital again,” she told her son Raju, reports CNN.

However, her son did not want to accept death as an option, although he knew that the chances of his father surviving with a coronavirus infection were slim.

Paradise has been following the situation with Covid-19 since January, seeing the many news about overcrowded hospitals in Italy, about elderly people in China who often died if, like their father, they had other health problems. He himself had a heart attack last November and therefore, together with his parents, who suffered from chronic lung disease (obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD), strictly adhered to the restrictive measures that came into force in Britain on 11 March because they all belonged to the risk group.

For his father, his condition worsened on March 25. He had a hard time walking, looked tired, and although he did not have a fever or a strong cough, Raj suspected that his father had contracted the virus from a virus. The next day he called an ambulance, which found that his father’s lungs were full of water.

His father was transported to the hospital, but doctors called Raja very quickly and said they were 95 percent sure that his father had the coronary virus, but that they would release him and send him home. That is, since her father had COPD, the hospital doctors could do nothing if Surya’s condition worsened because her lungs would not undergo any surgery.

Before his father returned to Watford, Paradise spent the entire afternoon cleaning the house and preparing a part for his father. He isolated his mother on the second floor, transforming his parents’ room into a small makeshift hospital room.

He made a table recording daily temperature, pressure and saturation readings. He tried to get his father to lie on his stomach as long as possible because doctors said that position would help with recovery.

The device that saved Surya’s life

Raj believes that a key ally in his father’s treatment was the fact that they already had a CPAP-assisted breathing device in the house that they knew he was using due to his father’s lungs and apnea.

“The doctors advised me to use the device when my father’s breathing worsens,” Raj said, adding that he knew his father would be able to hold the device for 16 hours a day if he was ill.

Three days after being released from the hospital, Suri stopped eating and told Raju that he thought the end had come. Then a test result confirmed that Suri had a coronavirus.

However, Paradise did not give up, and after a while, his father began to improve. Raj said he realized his father would recover when he started complaining about making bad tea and bringing him chips and pizza.

The family doctor, who has been in contact with Paradise the entire time, said he did not know what exactly helped Suri, as many of his elderly patients died.


– I don’t know if he recovered thanks to the care of his family or because we all follow his biological records. Maybe it was just luck and it was not the time yet, “said the doctor.

