Malović: Obradović, no one mentions his children – Politics


Vladanka Malović, who still considers herself the head of the Information Service of the Serbian Progressive Party, again today on the social network Twitter on the official SNS account left posts addressed to Boško Obradović, the leader of Dveri, under whom she signed her name .

Malović: Obradović, no one mentions his children 1Vladanka Malović Photo: Miroslav Dragojević

“Nobody mentions his children, nor do they know their names, nor their age. And what you lie about Danilo is a special level of political and human mud in which you stink, miserably fascist. Vladanka,” the ad is written.

This is a response to the Dveri press conference transcript, which was previously “posted” by Obradović under the heading “Hrkalovićka and Belivuk are the SNS project”. The text also mentions Danilo Vučić, son of the President of Serbia and the SNS, Aleksandar Vučić.

Several members of this criminal group were seen in the company of the son of the president of the SNS, and as one of the examples we can cite watching the World Cup matches in Russia in Russia. Is it possible that the security services that provided security to this protected person did not know who he was hanging with and that his father did not? That is not possible. The only answer is that they knew it very well and that at that time it was not debatable for them because this criminal group was within the SNS, ”the text reads.

“Ms Vladanka, in my conference today, in which I discovered that the SNS was behind the criminal group Velja Nevolje, there were no journalists. You have closed everything correctly. So why the nervousness? By the way, it is a pity that the court has not scheduled a hearing for two years, in which these insults must be proven, “Obradović wrote.

“The fact that none of the journalists wants to be in the same room where you fully understand it. It is difficult to breathe the same air with such a sick fascist. Why are you lying that Belivuk slapped Danilo, poor thing? ”Malović replied.

“Dear Madam, I understand that it is easier to insult than to answer my questions about who brought Dijana Hrkaloviš to the BIA and then to the MUP, who handed out police and protection badges to Sale Mutava and Velja Nevolja and placed them in South Partizan, whose son was with the arrested criminals, “Obradović replied.

Malovic and Obradovic had a similar discussion on Twitter in September 2020, the reason being that the Dveri leader posted a photo of Aleksandar Vucic, Milo Djukanovic, and the controversial Palestinian politician Muhamed Dahlan.

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