Mali: Proposed salary increase for doctors and the entire public sector in 2021.


Finance Minister Siniša Mali stated that, with the amendments to the Budget System Law, it is proposed to increase salaries in the public sector, so that from 1 January 2021, the salaries of medical workers will be they must increase by five percent, and for everyone else in the public sector by three and a half percent.

“As of April 1, all others will have a five percent increase,” Mali announced in the Serbian Parliament, explaining a set of financial laws.

It also assessed that the amendments to the Budget System Law “introduce a more flexible system” for employment in the public sector.

“It is up to the users of public funds, institutions, institutions, companies to hire if they think they should hire according to their needs and the money they have,” Mali said.

He said there is a restriction.

“If ten employees left an institution during the past year, the maximum number that can be employed, without the prior consent of the government, is seven,” Mali explained.

He also said that the adoption of the Draft Decision on giving consent to the Decisions on Amendments to the Financial Plan of the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund of the Republic for 2020 creates preconditions for paying a one-time financial aid in the amount of 5,000 dinars to all pensioners on December 18.

Speaking of the amendments to the Public Debt Law, Mali stated that “they want to make the law and the procedure somewhat more flexible to reduce borrowing costs, better plan and manage public debt.”

“The projection of the central level of public debt of the Republic of Serbia for this year is 57.9 percent. We are well below the Maastricht level of 60 percent, despite the coronavirus pandemic and the program implemented by the Serbian government to help our economy in the amount of more than 700 billion dinars, “he said. it’s Mali.

He said that the Serbian government will complete the process of finding a strategic partner for Komercijalna Banka by the end of the year, and that they expect an input to the budget of around 400 million euros.

According to him, he will use about 170 million euros of that money to repay the loan taken to Azerbaijan in 2012.

Mali also said that the draft law on the granting of a guarantee from the Republic of Serbia in favor of UniCredit Bank Serbia, on the indebtedness of the public company “Ski Resorts of Serbia” Belgrade, foresees an investment of 3,200 million on the basis of a long-term investment loan agreement for the construction of the Brzece-Mali Karaman gondola. dinars.

Explaining the draft law on the final account of Serbia’s budget for 2019, Mali said that this is the first year, after 18 years, that the final account of the previous year is being considered in parallel with the budget of the next year.

He said the final tally for 2019 was done in accordance with the law.
