Mali: government lifts ban on public sector employment – Economy


Mali: Government lifts ban on public sector employment 1Photo: BETAPHOTO MILOS MISKOV

Instead of the current control system, that is, the principle that each new employee must be approved by the government commission, institutions, establishments and companies will decide themselves on employment, according to needs and money at your service.

The only restriction is that they cannot hire more than 70 percent of the new workers of the number of employees who left those institutions, institutions and companies last year, “explained Siniša Mali, Minister of Finance, explaining the bill before the members of the Serbian Parliament.

According to him, that practically means that, if 10 employees left an institution during the past year, the maximum number of new employees can be seven without the prior consent of the government commission.

“This solution, he says, institutions, institutions and companies assume a great responsibility for themselves, they decide if they need new jobs, but it also indicates that the quality of services of these institutions, institutions and companies must be improved,” Mali said. adding that the reforms to the Budget System Law also define the percentage increase in salaries in the public sector in 2021.

Starting on January 1, the salaries of all medical workers will be higher by five percent, and for all others, a 3.5 percent increase is planned, and then from April next year by 1.5 additional percent.

A one-time aid of 5,000 dinars will reach the addresses of 1,717 million pensioners in Serbia on December 18, if the deputies, as the Mali minister said, support the changes to the Financial Plan of the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund.

“It is a great success for us.” At the end of a very difficult year, when Serbia demonstrated how strong it was and how much it could help mitigate the negative consequences of the coronary virus epidemic, the latest in a series of measures is support to the elderly, “Mali explained, adding that from January 1, 2021 According to the Swiss formula, pensions will be increased by 5.9 percent.

He also said that there are lower budget allocations for the PIO fund because, he says, the income of that fund from the payment of contributions is growing, which is the result of a responsible economic policy.

Mali also stated that the Serbian government will complete the process of searching for a strategic partner for Komercijalna Banka by the end of the year, and that it expects an input to the budget of around 400 million euros.

According to him, he will use about 170 million euros of that money to repay the loan taken to Azerbaijan in 2012.

He also expressed the expectation that the members will give their consent to give a guarantee to UniCredit Bank Serbia for the indebtedness of the Serbian ski resort of 3.2 billion dinars for the construction of the Brzeće-Mali Karaman ski resort. Like he said, that should improve Serbian tourism.

The deputies also had before them the Draft Law on the final account of the Serbian budget for 2019, and as explained by the Minister of Finance, that year ended with a fiscal surplus of 13.4 billion dinars, and the participation of the public debt to GDP was 52 percent.

Total public debt amounted to 23,000 million euros.

The Minister of Finance explained that Serbia has had a budget surplus for four years and that this is the reason why Serbia was able to successfully cope with the pandemic.

During the discussion of several attached budget laws, the deputies, in addition to praising the financial success of the Minister of Finance and, of course, President Vučić, had no words of criticism.

The only objections were to the previous regime.

In his parliamentary debut, progressive leader Leo Grigorij Pajkić, facing the half-empty parliament, came out with a list of the property of Dragan Đilas, the chairman of the Freedom and Justice Party.

“What I read here is a shame for a former civil servant. Those apartments belong to the citizens of Serbia and that man dedicated all his time to his own enrichment. Unlike him, President Vučić lives for Serbia and for new jobs. ¿ Can Djilas sleep soundly or does reading these papers cure his insomnia? ”Pajkić said, followed by applause and shouts.

The new progressive Vladimir Marinkovic also had an ode to President Vucic, who said that the President of Serbia defended our interests at the UN and UNESCO, and that those who do not have “5 percent of the support of citizens want to get only money. and realize their particular interests “.

Parliament Speaker Vladimir Orlic warned Marinkovic that he was exaggerating by giving the opposition 5% support, especially now that they were arguing among themselves.

The minister of State Administration and Local Autonomy also made her debut during the debate, repeating “I as a minister” several times.

He said that the budget of the Alliance for Local Development project allocated 463 million dinars, which should improve the provision of services in municipalities and cities.

“Therefore, we are influencing the reduction of the population outflow, we are improving the service that is provided to citizens,” Obradović said.

He announced that another 40 million dinars will go towards the establishment of a single administrative position in municipalities and cities, the opening of which, he says, means support in the modernization of their work.

He stated that so far a single administrative site has been established in about 10 cities and municipalities, and that it will open in December in Stara Pazova, Rača, Kuršumilja and Pirot.

He recalled that today he signed agreements with the presidents of the municipalities of Paracin, Kosjeric and Topola for the establishment of a single administrative position.

“We want the Ministry to be understood as a parental home for municipalities and cities, regardless of who is in power in them,” said the minister.

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