MAJOR POLICE ACTION: Drug traffickers arrested in Belgrade, seizure of 67 kilograms of drugs


Ž. M. (28) and SZ (43) were arrested last night when they tried to deliver 32 kilograms of amphetamines and 35 kilograms of marijuana.

On that occasion, drugs were seized, as well as a pistol with a silencer, as well as a large quantity of ammunition.

The gun had polished numbers and they also had silicone masks.

Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin says all this shows that the arrested drug traffickers were not only dealing in drugs, but were also preparing for a more serious crime, and that an investigation has been launched.

– There is simply no place for drug traffickers in our streets, and the members of the Directorate of Criminal Police, members of the Ministry of the Interior never lose sight of the fact that one of the most serious events, one of the hardest blows to our daily lives is selling drugs. There is no place for merchants – said Vulin.

The detainees are charged with the crimes of unauthorized production and distribution of narcotics and the illicit production, possession, carrying and trafficking of weapons and explosives.

They were ordered to remain in detention for up to 48 hours, after which they will be handed over to the Superior Public Ministry for jurisdiction and action.

The suspects were arrested last night in Belgrade, after several months of work by members of the Criminal Police Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior, the announcement wrote.

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