MAJOR FIRE IN AMMUNITION STORAGE Eight injured, more than 2,300 people evacuated, state of emergency imposed (VIDEO)


A state of emergency has been introduced in the Ryazan region of Russia due to the fire that broke out today in the military warehouse, announced the governor of the region, Nikolaj Ljubimov.

– Now the most important thing is to protect people. An emergency situation has already been introduced in the region – said Ljubimov, the press service of the regional administration reports.

According to the governor, the situation is under control and the worst is over.

The governor added that no one died in the fire, reports “Novosti”.

A representative of the regional emergency service said that there were more than 110 warehouses with rockets and artillery weapons on the territory of the military warehouses in the Ryazan region.

According to him, some of the ammunition was in the open air until the fire broke out.

The head of the territorial department for medical disasters told Sputnik that the number of injured during the explosions in military warehouses has risen to eight people, five of whom remain in hospitals.

He added that there were no serious cases, except for a female person, which was announced earlier.

The representative of the Emergency Situations Service noted that for the population that was evacuated from the danger zone, five temporary accommodation places with a capacity of 610 people were determined. Now there are almost a hundred people in one of them, including 18 children.

The Russian Defense Ministry reports that three fire engines are involved in putting out the fire at the warehouse.

Russia’s Deputy Defense Minister Dmitry Bulgakov, together with experts, arrived at the scene of the fire, inspected the territory and assessed the situation. Bulgakov had previously surveyed the region from a Mi-8 helicopter.
