Interlocutors of Danas on the torn jacket of Marjan Risticevic and the hunger strike of the head of the progressives in front of parliament
The strike of the head of the SNS parliamentary group, Aleksandar Martinović, and the parliamentary Sandra Božić due to the failure to announce the accusation, that is, as they say, the lack of accountability of the people who caused incidents during the demonstration in front of the Assembly organized by Dveri, it is nothing but pressure on the prosecution. .

The aforementioned deputies also have no principles because they did not react in the same way to numerous scandals in which the public demanded the reaction of the prosecution: Savamala, the case of the helicopter, Jovanjica, Krušik …
Belgrade Court of Appeals Judge Miodrag Majic assessed for Danas that Martinovic and Bozic’s hunger strike is an unusual event, considering that they are representatives of the ruling majority “and it is known that most analyzes indicate that the pressure on prosecution and influences come from politics. power. “
– It is notable that in domestic political life, interest in institutions appears depending on political interest in prosecution. When there is an interest for the prosecution to react, it is called, and vice versa, when the passivity of the prosecution is interesting, it does not interfere with silence. However, it should certainly be worrying for the prosecution that perhaps the only constant that is spreading from all sides of the political spectrum is that this institution, as they say, is in a mouse hole – says Majić.
The Prosecutor’s Office for Independence Commissioner Goran Ilić tells Danas that the Prosecutor’s Office is not without criticism of his work, so expressing a critical attitude even with a hunger strike may be part of a justified criticism of the work of the prosecution. problem in the system
– The problem here is that everything comes from parliamentarians who, according to our constitutional system, have a key role in the election of the heads of the public prosecutors’ offices, and deputy prosecutors. The National Assembly elects prosecutors for a period of six years and deputies during the first elections. How to understand the strike, but as a message that the prosecutors against whom the strike is taking cannot wait to be re-elected from the parliamentarians who went on strike against them, emphasizes Ilić. According to him, it is a matter of pressure on the prosecution, which is the result of a poorly established system of choosing prosecutors.
Lawyer Jovica Todorović points out for our article that in the incident from which MP Marijan Risticević came out with a torn jacket, there are no elements of a criminal act that is prosecuted ex officio, and that there seems to be no basis for a private lawsuit.
– It is clear to all who saw the video of the incident, and have some kind of professional knowledge and professional experience about it. Mr. Aleksandar Martinović, as a professor at the Novi Sad Law School, who, however, deals with public and constitutional law, if I am not mistaken, is one of the lawyers who is at least as knowledgeable that it is clear that there is no reason for the prosecutor’s reaction. with that incident – says Todorović.
He adds that precisely because the participation of the public prosecutor’s office is required where there is no basis for that state agency to be hired by people who are members of the legislature and political figures belonging to the ruling coalition, this request represents inappropriate pressure on the public prosecutor’s office. act only when, and as requested and expected by the ruling political party.
– This can largely explain why there were no adequate reactions, that is, effective investigations in numerous cases, from helicopters, Savamala, Krušik, Jovanjica …, points out our interlocutor.
Novica Antic, a member of the Presidency of the “Broom 2020” Movement, assessed that the MP from the Serbian Progressive Party, Aleksandar Martinovic, insulted the dignity of the parliament and the intelligence of the people by deciding to start a hunger strike because the prosecution did not announce the actions from the leader of Dveri Bosko Obradovic.
– The National Assembly is the one that designates the prosecutors who are responsible to the same assembly for their work. This fact alone is enough to show the amount of nonsense and contempt for the constitutional role of the National Assembly embodied in the hunger strike of Member of Parliament Aleksandar Martinović – Antić pointed out.
Aleksandar Martinović stated that his hunger strike is not a pressure on the prosecution, but that he “sincerely hopes that those who run the prosecution do their job.”
Silence on Krušik, Jovanjica, Doljevac
Novica Antic asked where Martinovic was to ask what the prosecution was doing when a Serbian army helicopter was used illegally in which seven people were killed, or when two minutes disappeared from the recording of the toll ramp in Doljevac, when Krusik was discussed. in public. and Jovanjica, or when the public asked how Martinović receives salaries in the faculties where he does not appear.
Hitting on torn jacket
– When a member of Parliament initiates a hunger strike because one of his colleagues tore the jacket of another of his colleagues, it is a performance that ridicules the criminal prosecution agencies that should act professionally, and the legal institutes that are prescribed in criminal proceedings says Jovica Todorović.
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