MAJA ŽEŽELJ DOES NOT WANT TO SHUT UP ANY MORE Famous presenter about Natasa Jeremic, her husband who is her colleague, fighting against sepsis and the situation on RTS


A recognizable television face for “Super TV” talks about career, family, colleagues and adrenaline.

Maja ŽeželjPhoto: z. lončarević / RAS Serbia

Maja Žeželj

Maja Žeželj is considered a presenter with perfect diction. He has been working on the main news program for almost three decades, and for six years, on H1 channel, he has directed Dnevnik every business day at 7 pm

When, without censorship, were you freer in your choice of news?

– While I can back up what I say, I work. When those two planes don’t match, my work loses meaning. I have not been in a situation to think one thing and do another. Whenever that happened, he no longer worked. There were also longer periods of time when I was not working on television and then doing other things. It was my choice and at no point do I regret it. Even when the question was whether I would ever do the job I love again.

What news program do you watch and appreciate?

– My job requires me to follow a large number of informative programs. Both the good and the bad, both ours and foreigners, and the ones I like, but also others … At home they ask me: “Do we really have to see this?” I like to listen to information, to listen to something new, I don’t like pouring from the hole into the void and shows that only serve to fill time. It’s ugly when I listen and see insults and lies and I don’t really understand what its purpose is, and it scares me when I see what it leads to. I don’t understand and I’m sorry to see what television is for. We could achieve a lot and move on, but we definitely chose something else.

See what Maja Žeželj’s magnificent house looks like HERE.

Maja ŽeželjPhoto: Promo

Maja Žeželj

Are you in touch with your old RTS mates Milica Nedic and Natasa Jeremic?

– I love Natasha and Milica very much. I worked with Natasa for years before RTS, with Milica ten in RTS and we got along great. I don’t recall at all that we had any disagreements. Forever. We agreed to see each other a thousand times, and I was successful with Natasha several times, but not as much as we had planned. I worked with Milica on the first Diary after returning from the hospital and fighting for my life, and I will never forget her hug after that Diary. I was very lucky to work with wonderful people.

Natasa JeremicPhoto: Z. Ilić / RAS Serbia

Natasa Jeremic

Does continuing to run the program give you a specific dose of adrenaline?

– Of course. I don’t believe in delaying any business. When there is no love, will, enthusiasm, faith, I will stop doing this work. I still have “steam coming out of my ears” when something is wrong, my heart beats when something unforeseen happens and when I make a mistake, I am ashamed to go outside until I have a chance to correct it.

You worked at 3K, TV Politika, BK TV, B92, RTS 1. Where did you have the opportunity to advance more professionally?

– I learned a lot in each of the televisions where I worked. All those televisions were the first to something while I was working on them. 3K – The first to appear after a life where we only had two TV shows: the first and the second. Politika, together with Studio B, was the first television in the city in terms of audience. BK: First in many things, and the history of BK requires a special conversation with all the people who worked there. B92 – the first in truth and courage. RTS – the first in terms of viewers … It was really interesting to be there, right in that period. All the TVs you mentioned brought something new, mostly because of the people who worked on them.

Maja ŽeželjPhoto: z. lončarević / RAS Serbia

Maja Žeželj

How do you see the current media landscape in Serbia?

– She’s chaotic. It is good that there are many options, but it is not good that we have not learned to choose. Television is a dangerous and powerful toy, and we do not have instructions for use. The worst thing is that we are not aware that we need that instruction at all, and even less about what and how much we do not know. We may know how to raise money, but we don’t know how to direct that money further, to make a quality program. Too. If the ratio were allowed to be at least half and half: half what one thinks is good and half what is really good, television would play a different role.

Her husband Ivan Stanković is doing the program “What am I to you? Who am I to me?” In K1. How do you rate the program?

– He was surprised when they offered him to do a show. He wondered if he should go into that story. But John can resist anything but temptation. I like how he talks to guests, how he listens to them, and gets new questions out of the answers. They managed to create an atmosphere in the show where people we meet from the media give us something they have never done before. Conversations are warm, pleasant, friendly, and engaging. It could have been interspersed with some material that would be an illustration of what people are talking about.

Have you ever worked together on a project?

– In recent years, I have been working on a complex, difficult and demanding project: I am trying to continue the education of my children. Not because of children, children are good. The system is terrible. First of all, the children are suffering, the teachers cannot do their job, the parents are trying to remove the stains … It was not good even when I went to school and I really cannot understand that no one has managed to solve that insoluble problem . trouble. Lena has come out of this system and I think I am very relieved by that. I see that you are interested and that you talk much more about school now than before. Marian is still in prison and anyone who has a child in elementary school, in these conditions (I am not just referring to the new corona virus), will understand why I speak like that.

Ivan Stanković and Draguljub LjubičićPhoto: Promo

Ivan Stanković and Draguljub Ljubičić

I talk about sepsis to raise awareness

Ten years ago, he fell into a septic coma, when doctors were fighting for his life. A few weeks ago, on a show, you spoke about it publicly and showed photos of how you looked then …

– Every September 13, the world celebrates Sepsis Day. I feel like it’s very important to talk about how necessary it is to recognize sepsis early on, because then you get precious time that literally means life. It is also important to close all the entrances to the body with bacteria, viruses, fungi that can cause sepsis, and it is not only obtained in the hospital, after surgery … We know little about sepsis, and it is present more than we imagine , although today 21st century Any wound or scratch can cause a problem in immunosuppressed or sensitive people in some way. I talk about what happened to me in the hope that my story can help at least one person.

VIDEO hosts early in their careers
