Maja Nikolic, desperate: She lost her money and her job (PHOTO / VIDEO)



19.12.2020. 12:30

Huge costs.

Maja Nikolic

Maja Nikolic, Photo: Hola / Marko Metlas

Singer Maja NikolicLike all his colleagues, he is struggling in this period in which his work has been reduced to zero. The mother of two, Lazar and Novak, says she takes care of her children and that the costs incurred during the coronavirus pandemic are enormous.

– I have two children, I do not want to comment on the amount of money I live with. Let everyone consider how much it costs to help my 22-year-old son, who works and is graduating from college, and my 14-year-old son, who lives with me. Every average Serbian family knows how much life costs. They report, heating, telephones and other bills are around 300 euros. I’m not going to shoot with numbers, but I’m barely alive – said the singer.

Maja is quite angry that she did not receive help from the state of Serbia.

Maja Nikolic

Maja Nikolic, Photo: Screen Printed

– I did not receive 90,000 and thanks to the state, thank you for supporting our profession. I’ll hold on, but I’m sorry because my band, my musicians who work for 50 euros and feed their families with it, they have nothing to live on. Our profession has closed, 99 percent is good because the shund and kitsch will go away, and what will the artists who know how to sing do … When the crown passes, I will have no bread. I have had no income for a year and a half, I live from a box – said an indignant Maja and added:

– My son and I receive one hundred euros each from the state and that’s it.

According to him, he believes that all citizens of Serbia should be released from paying bills during the pandemic.

– The state must free everyone from paying all bills during the crown: information station, electricity, cable, etc. Those bills are the biggest because we don’t earn anything, it’s done in western countries. Only in our country are they still paid – concluded Maja.

Discover HERE what will happen in the singer’s house.

