
Photo: Zorana Jevtić, Printscreen Facebook
The Negotino High Court refused for the second time to order the arrest of Maja Badjikic (26), accused of participating in the quadruple murder of a Jabukovac family in 2019.
For almost two months there has been a dispute between the High Court and the Negotin High Prosecutor’s Office in the case of a quadruple murder that took place in August last year in the village of Velja Vratna, not far from Jabukovac, where Raja Kazimirovic ( 72) and his mother Dragica were killed by rifle shots. 93), Sister Ljubinka Oprikić (76) and Sister Dragana Jozeljić (53).

That is, after the investigation in the case of this murder against Davor Pernić was finally completed, another name was found in the amended indictment presented to the court by the prosecution in Negotino: Maja Bađikić (26).
This girl, since Pernić’s arrest, has been mentioned as a suspect in the murder (Pernić pointed her out in the investigation), but due to the lack of evidence in the first indictment, she was not found. However, the supplemented investigation, the expertise that was conducted, and Pernić’s testimony at the hearing were sufficient to create a justified suspicion that he shot Dragan Jozeljić and that he killed Raja Kazimirović along with Pernić.
With the accusation amended, the Superior Prosecutor of the Negotiation Court requested that he remain in preventive detention for public harassment. As an explanation, the prosecution stated that the defendant influenced public opinion with her actions in the previous period, but also with those that may continue.
– You appeared often in the media where you spoke about the investigation and thus influenced the public. Furthermore, your statements in which you speak of your innocence in this case may influence the court and decision-making, says a source familiar with the case.
However, the court rejected this proposal and stated as an explanation “that the accused was previously detained on suspicion of the same fact, and that she was released at the proposal of the Prosecutor’s Office.”
The prosecution appealed to the Court of Appeals, which confirmed the appeal and ordered the perpetrator to reopen the process and consider the reasons for requesting his preventive detention.
– In the new decision, the court practically copied her previous decision, although Badjikić was released during the investigation, because there was no evidence against her at the time. However, when the evidence was collected and she came across a new indictment, she was asked to find herself behind bars again, according to the source.
Let us remind you that the horrible massacre in which members of the Kazimirović family were killed occurred on August 9, 2019. Apart from the suspicion that Raja was killed for money, everything indicated that someone from Jabukovac was connected to the crime. Directly as a killer or indirectly, as a tip.

The same way the victims were killed also indicated that the killer had experience in handling weapons. All of this narrowed the circle of suspects, and material evidence indicated that resident Davor Pernić was linked to the crime, and on August 25 he was arrested. He confessed to the crime, specified that he killed the victims on August 7 around 11 in the morning, and even showed where he buried an arsenal of weapons on his father’s property: a “scorpion”, a hunting rifle and a pistol .
The first month of his arrest passed, and when it was believed that the prosecution was slowly preparing an indictment against him, Pernić changed his statement and linked Maja Badjikić to the crime, with whom he had had an emotional relationship before. He claimed that she participated in the crime on August 7, but not before noon, but at dawn, and that she persuaded him to do everything.
(Kurir.rs/Blic, BB)

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