MAJA GOJKOVIĆ IN THE POSITION OF MINISTER Former Speaker of the Assembly new Minister of Culture


The Speaker of the Serbian Assembly, Maja Gojković, was the head of the Assembly’s Culture and Information Committee for two terms, and even then stated that the field of culture is very important to the state.

Following the session of the Presidency of the Serbian Progressive Party, Prime Minister Ana Brnabić announced who will be the new ministers in the Serbian Government, and she is one of them.

The new government, which will be formed in the coming days, will have Maja Gojković in the place of the Ministry of Culture and Information.

The media has put her in contact with this department on several occasions and she was also heavily involved in the Environmental Protection Committee.

Maja Gojković was born on May 22, 1963 in Novi Sad, graduated from Novi Sad University Law School in 1987 and passed the bar exam two years later.

She served as Minister without Portfolio in the Government of Serbia from 1998 to 1999 and was Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia until 2000.

In the local elections of September 2004, she was elected mayor of Novi Sad, as the first woman in that position in the history of the city.

She was also head of the delegation of the Serbian Assembly to the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) when Belgrade received the organization of the 141st IPU Assembly, which was held last year and brought together 77 parliaments and more than 2,000 parliamentarians from all over the world.

Gojkovic has rich parliamentary experience and has been active in parliamentary life since 1992. He was a member of the Assembly of AP Vojvodina, the Assembly of Serbia, as well as the Assembly of the FRY.

Changed five parts

Maja Gojković started her political career in the 1990s, and in almost three decades she has been present on the Serbian political scene, changing five parties.

Since 1990 he has been a member of the Veljko Guberina People’s Radical Party, which will later join the Serbian Chetnik movement and bring to the political scene the now extra-parliamentary Serbian Radical Party, headed by Vojislav Seselj. She was a high-ranking SRS official until 2008, when she was removed from this party’s membership.

After that, he founded a citizens’ group “Maja Gojković”, which will become the People’s Party after one year. This party participated in the parliamentary elections in coalition with Vojislav Kostunica’s Democratic Party of Serbia and Velimir Ilic’s New Serbia.

In the May 2012 elections she ran on the URS list, whose leader was Mladjan Dinkic, and in early December 2012, she informed the public that the Popular Party, of which she is the founder and president, collectively joins the SNS.

VIDEO: Brnabic: 11 ministers, 12 new
