MAFIA DOES NOT FORGIVE Executor Stojanović followed for 8 hours, there are TWO REASONS FOR CRUEL LIQUIDATION


Strahinja Stojanović (30) died on 13 September when an explosive was placed under his BMW X5 jeep, and he soon died from his injuries. The police quickly identified Stojanović’s killer, Milivoj M. (50) from Gradiška, for whom an international arrest warrant was immediately issued and who is still being intensively searched. It is suspected that he arrived in Belgrade on someone’s order to carry out the execution.

Investigators are verifying the motive for the murder and, based on information known so far, it is most likely that Milivoje L. will be paid for the settlement.

– The investigation into possible clients and the motive for the crime is currently going in two directions. The first concerns Stojanović’s connection to the liquidation of Luka Bojović’s lawyer, Dragoslav Mišo Ognjanović. The other direction of the investigation is in the direction of a criminal group in Belgrade, with whom Stojanović allegedly got into a conflict over two kilograms of cocaine – said the source of the newspaper “Kurir”.

According to him, information emerged that Stojanović had deceived a drug trafficking group and that they had not forgiven him.

In recent months, Stojanović did not hide, he traveled the world with his new girlfriend, visited luxury resorts, and since the beginning of the pandemic, he has been in Serbia and spent most of his time in Belgrade. His girlfriend, the Colombian Sonja, regularly published all this on social networks.

Chronology of the case “Stojanović”

September 13 – explosion

The afternoon peace of Sunday 13 September in Belgrade was shattered by an explosion that took place in New Belgrade in the Youth Brigades, during which a car exploded in the middle of the road in front of numerous passers-by.

The jeep exploded while drivingPhoto: Zoran Ilić / RAS Serbia

The jeep exploded while driving

Numerous witnesses to the blast were shocked and said they thought the walls around them were falling down until they realized what had happened. After that, they saw a BMW blown up on the road, and then they heard a woman yelling and calling for someone.

A few minutes later, the public knew who was in the blown car: Stojanovic, who has a fat file behind him, and his girlfriend, the Colombian Sonja G. Suzarez (45). She was not injured in the blast, but Stojanović, although he lost both legs, was conscious until the ambulance arrived, but soon succumbed to terrible injuries.

Bomb New BelgradePhoto: Zoran Ilić / RAS Serbia

Bomb New Belgrade

After such a brutal liquidation in the middle of the day, speculation began in the streets of Belgrade about why and who killed Stojanovic, well known to the public for his involvement in numerous crimes, as well as suspicions that he had connections to the murder of Belgrade lawyer Misha Ognjanovic, defense lawyer of Luka Bojovic.

News “Flood” about the murdered criminal

As soon as the identity of the murdered man was revealed, everyone remembered that Stojanović had been the target of the executioners two years earlier, as well as that the police had known him well before.

Two years ago, in the Galenika settlement, a bomb was also planted under Stojanović’s car, only this time he escaped liquidation “by a hair.” His girlfriend at the time, a former miss, Olac Bilbao González, was seriously injured in the blast, while Stojanovic returned to the apartment just before getting in the car because he forgot his cell phone, saving him. The bomb was detonated while only the muscle was in the vehicle.

A few months later, Stojanovic’s name began unofficially leaking through the investigation into the murder of prominent Belgrade lawyer Dragoslav Misha Ognjanovic. Despite the fact that his participation was never officially carried out, it was rumored that he was a potential perpetrator and that he hid outside the borders of our country after the crime …

Examine a friend and girlfriend

The Colombian woman who was with Stojanović at the time of the execution in recent months posted photos and places where they are on a daily basis, and the media was inundated with photos from her travels, excursions and mountain tours in Serbia.

The investigation into the murder of Strahinja Stojanovic initially focused on his affairs on the other side of the law, but also on the conflict with rival criminal groups in the drug market. His friends were questioned, and immediately after the funeral, the girl who was with him, Sonja.

Miša OgnjanovićPhoto: Sava Radovanović / Tanjug

Miša Ognjanović

Photos on Instagram helped the killers

Photos posted by his girlfriend on social media are alleged to have “helped” the executors to reach the exact location of Stojanović. Most likely they have located it through her profile, since she is very active on Instagram. There she published joint photos with Stojanović and their stays in Zlatibor and Kopaonik. So you could see where they were at any time.

According to police data, the Colombian entered Serbia just before the start of the state of emergency, after which she did not even leave.

Strahinja Stojanovic and Sonja SuarezPhoto: Social networks

Strahinja Stojanovic and Sonja Suarez

The bomb was activated by a cyclist

Two days after the explosion, the investigation revealed that the explosive device was likely activated by a cyclist who was filmed on cameras in the vicinity of the apartment and later at the crime scene.

Exactly, the bicycle corresponding to the one in the video was found thrown into the Sava River, near the promenade in Block 45 in New Belgrade, and it is suspected that the murderer escaped with it from the scene of the explosion.

At the same time, the investigation established that between one kilo and one and a half kilograms of Pentrit explosives were placed under the car, all under the driver’s seat.

The killer followed him for eight miles

It is suspected that the killer probably placed a highly destructive but precisely targeted explosive device under Stojanović’s vehicle during the night between Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 September.

However, as the investigation showed, the explosive device had to be activated with a remote control, so it is clear that the killer followed Stojanović’s vehicle for eight kilometers before detonating the bomb.

Stojanović left his apartment in Galenica, went to car races in Ušće and the bomb went off on Omladinskih Brigada street.

Strahinja Stojanovic and Sonja Suarez GomezPhoto: Social networks

Strahinja Stojanovic and Sonja Suarez Gomez

The first results of the investigation showed that the same explosive was used in both attacks on Strahinja, which most likely means that the same team tried to kill him for the first time, but this time nothing was left to chance, so they detonated the bomb alone. when they were sure that Stojanovic in the vehicle. It is not ruled out that the murderer was careful not to kill anyone else, so he did not activate the bomb a few minutes before.

Identification of the aggressor

Eight days after Stojanovic’s death, the Belgrade police, in cooperation with the High Prosecutor’s Office, identified ML (50), a suspect in Stojanovic’s murder in New Belgrade.

Yesterday, the police broke into the suspect’s apartment, from which, as is suspected, he began to commit the crime.

The expert opinion determined that the perpetrator used an explosive device that, in addition to explosive materials, also contained a certain amount of metallic threads called nuts, which are used when installing screws to increase the destructive effect of the bomb.

An international arrest warrant has been issued

The Belgrade High Court accepted the prosecution’s proposals: it ordered custody and issued an order to issue an Interpol warrant against Milovje L. (50). An interpol warrant has been issued for the 50-year-old man, because he has citizenship of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and also has a Croatian identification card.

Milivoje L.Photo: Srpskainfo / RAS Serbia

Milivoje L.

The identity of the perpetrator was determined by anthropological experience and a comparative method of traces that were fixed and removed from the scene.

Suspicious food vendor from Gradiška

According to the latest information, Milivoje L. is a Gradiška catering service provider known to the police for a long time. The suspect in the Stojanović liquidation is known to law enforcement authorities for his violent behavior, and he also owns several catering establishments in Gradiška.

Last year, Milijvoje was arrested for firing a gun in the middle of the street, and later posted a video of the incident on social media.
