Madame Stella confiscated the girls’ documents, beat them and starved them to death!


Spouses VG (57) and EG (49), owners of a café and motel in Majur near Šabac, as well as their waiter NO (41), were arrested on suspicion of organizing prostitution.

According to the Interior Ministry, the suspects are accused of human trafficking. – It is suspected that for a long time, taking advantage of the difficult circumstances of the women’s lives, they organized their sexual exploitation for profit – it is stated in the statement, in which it is stated that the action was carried out in collaboration with the police of Sabac and Belgrade and the Superior Prosecutor of Sabac.

Family restaurant

The restaurant that the police broke into last night has existed for years and is considered a restaurant, which has been in operation for years and is a family “business”.

– They also have rooms for rent. The girls were duped here for more money. Clients were mostly more wealthy and prominent people from Šapče, entrepreneurs, business owners, agricultural estates, directors, says the source.

Police broke into the motel on the night between Friday and Saturday and found the girls and customers during sexual intercourse. – In the bar there were four women and three men, users of sexual services – they say from the police and add that a search of the residential and business complex was carried out: – 21,840 euros, 850 Swiss francs, 2,080 dollars, 820 kuna were seized , 700 convertible marks and 42,000. dinars.

The residents of Majur say that it is a public secret that prostitution is practiced in that bar, and that supposedly the organizer of everything was the detainee EG, who is called Madame Stella and is a native of Romania. – He found girls who lived in misery. He allegedly took their documents and beat some of them.

I wouldn’t let them eat if they complained. They were at his mercy or disapproval, residents say, adding:

– If he “spent” and made girls, he would bring new ones. The prostitutes were clean and neat. The waiter took them to the hairdresser, manicurist, to wax. She also bought them sexy underwear – say the interlocutors and add that the arrested husband Madame Stella is sick and that is why the waiter has NOT been helping her in recent years.

Kurir. rs – AM – BT

Photo: Ana Mitic

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
