MACEDONIA EVEN CHANGED ITS NAME AND THEY DID NOT RECEIVE IT IN EUROPE: The president said: Serbia is approaching the EU at high speed


– There are really many things that we must do better and differently, and we have started and will continue. But let’s set things openly. The EU did not open negotiations with Macedonia, which even changed the name of the country, and they promised towers and cities, and there is nothing they did not deceive them, and in the end they did not open negotiations – Vučić said last night on TV Prva.

Vučić says that Serbia is fast approaching the EU when it comes to the European standard, but that we cannot achieve it all at once, as we have lagged far behind for more than 100 years.

– If we continue like this, and if we are number one in the next three years in terms of primary growth in Europe, that difference will be drastically reduced – said the President of Serbia.

He says it means higher wages and pensions, better roads and railways …

The rule of law is very important, says Vučić, adding that the rule of law generates the majority of foreign investment when someone decides to come to our country.

He points out that foreign investors mostly choose Serbia as a destination for their investments, and that this also speaks to the rule of law.

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