Lutovac: Those who wanted to be a constructive opposition to the SNS were excluded from the DS


Democratic Party Chairman Zoran Lutovac said DS officials who were expelled from the party on Monday represented the mainstream in that party that wanted DS to be a “constructive opposition” to the Serbian Progressive Party, “perhaps even a partner”.

How it is transmitted, Lutovac says there are countless proofs for this claim.

“I said there is a group in the DS that wants to lead the DS into a coalition with the SNS or to be a constructive opposition to the Serbian Progressive Party, and there is innumerable evidence of that. In our internal party elections, these people advocated that kind of coalitions, cooperation, even in our main board, some stood up and said publicly that Aleksandar Vučić had taken over our policy and that we should not attack him for that, but rather imitate him because he is implementing it, “he explained.

Lutovac denied that the elections for the election of the DS leadership are held on September 26.

“There are no elections on September 26, because the elections have not been called. Elections can be called by the party president or more than half of the main table, and that did not happen. The elections were called by the organizing committee made up of a group of thirty people in the Zemun theater hall. It has nothing to do with calling elections, “he said.

He also listed the key differences between the two streams that have been established in the DS.

“We are in favor of being a strong opposition to Aleksandar Vučić, they are in favor of being constructive, maybe even a partner. That is the key difference. Another key difference is that we believe it is necessary to reform, revitalize the Democratic Party, open the door to new people. ” give a chance to those who did not speak out, while believing that the old way must be continued and that the eternal officials must influence the DS regardless of whether they are elected to be officials and manage the party. in the end, there is only room for personal ambitions. For them it is the opposite, “concluded Lutovac.
