“LUTOVAC IS DISQUALIFIED” A DS official claims that the party’s leader receives support from progressives and radicals


It has never happened in the history of the Democratic Party that a president made decisions continuously for two years, which sadly were written in the format of elementary school students, without legal basis and often without explanation.

This is what Srdjan Sandic, chairman of the DS Statutory Commission, says in an interview for “Blic”, which in recent months has been given a place in the public that has never had any statutory commission. In two years of its mandate, that body has met more times since the party was founded.

– By attacking the Statutory Commission and presenting many falsehoods, Lutovac hides the fact that during his tenure, the DS found itself in the deepest crisis since its foundation. Lutovac made almost no decisions regarding the procedure, because the still current president, in his technical mandate, believes that the procedure is an unnecessary burden on the party’s operation and demands that the party be constantly managed as a private organization. It ignores the fact that democracy is the respect of rules and procedures.

As serious people who pledged their business credibility to the work of that body, we could not allow it. We simply have a problem when someone thinks that his will is enough to break all the rules, procedural rules and when someone thinks that he is above the Statute and above the entire organization, even if he was the party president. If we agree with that, then the Democratic Party no longer exists, because the Party is made up not only of people, but also of organs and bodies that function according to the adopted rules. By protecting law and justice, we protect the party. That is our role.

The last decision of the Executive Board was to expel Radoslav Milojicic, Balsa Bozovic, Slobodan Milosavljevic and Branislav Lecic from the membership. What will happen to that decision?

– In the last session, the members of the Main Board removed the Executive Board. So that imaginary decisions do not produce legal effects.

You have two streams in the Democratic Party. The other, led by Mr Lutovac, says that you and your colleagues are from Vučić. Are you?

– With such shameful and false accusations, Mr. Lutovac disqualifies himself as a Democrat. This slander shows that he really has no arguments, but resorts to radical disqualifications. The fact that, as president, he is not trying to achieve reconciliation within the DS, but is creating a policy of confrontation, says a lot about him. What is the difference between progressives, who disqualify their opponents with Lutovac’s mantra “thieves, tycoons, they only want power”, which repeats for the Democrats “the coup plotters, the Vucic people, are dissolving the DS2”.

This builds on the support that Lutovac receives on social media every day from prominent radicals and progressives.

In the last session of the DS Main Board, the Organizing Committee for the internal elections of the party was formed and announced for September 26. What are you waiting for?

– Due to the great division of society, today more than ever citizens need a strong SD and that is why it is necessary to consolidate it as soon as possible. I hope that after many years, membership in the DS will be held in direct elections. The decision-making policy needs to be returned to the members, not to the commissioners.

Branislav Lecic is a candidate for party president. Do you think it is the correct choice?

– Leka is a true democrat and an eternal fighter against the autocratic regime since the 90s, which is the case even now in DS. The last word in this regard will be given in the direct elections of 4,500 members of the DS.

Zoran Lutovac’s legal violence is often talked about. Are the elections regular and in accordance with all DS rules and regulations?

– Absolutely. The organizing committee, headed by Ms. Vida Ognjenović, and the electoral commission are working hard on that.

VIDEO: Disorder on the DS board: “Quit, quit”
