Lowest price ONLY 5 DINARS, we offer hoodies, artificial hair, tracksuits, toys


The Serbian Post has scheduled a public sale of more than 400 items from undeliverable shipments for September 29, posted on its website.

The lowest starting prices are 5 dinars for a catalog, photos and seeds, more than 10 dinars for clothing, pajamas, pants, hoodies, sweat shirts, and 50 dinars for a children’s hoodie and t-shirt.

Among the highest are the starting prices of teas, the most expensive of which sells for 5,400 dinars. Shustikle, earrings, leggings, plaid, electric hobs, auto parts, various types of sneakers, mobile chargers, stickers, toys for children, red and white wine, video recorder, DVD, artificial hair and easel are also offered.

All the goods offered are described as used and the start of the public sale is scheduled for nine o’clock at the premises of the Zajecar 1 post office.

What is offered and at what prices can be seen on the website of the Serbian Post.

(Kurir.rs/Tanjug/ PHOTO: SU / Ilustracija)

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
