LOVE IN THE CROWN ZONE Katarina and Vladica have been in a relationship for seven years, and for the last seven months they have been together on the FRONTLINE in the fight against the virus.


Katarina Fudulović (22) and Vladica Marinković (24), nurse and technician from Niš, walk together for the seventh month in the red zone of the Anesthesia and Intensive Care Clinic of the Niš Clinical Center and the seventh year of entertainment. Both were unemployed, but they did not wait an hour to apply for a job at Kovid Hospital, despite all the unknowns about the crown.

The bishop started on April 9 and seven days later Katarina was there too.

– I was not afraid of the crown, it is our job, which would not make sense with that fear. But I was scared of a spacesuit because I’m claustrophobic. At first it was very difficult, for the first time we see people die. We take them out of the apparatus, we put the bodies in bags. I come home depressed, I don’t talk to anyone. Once you get used to it, you know you have to deal with it. If you don’t come and help people, who else will. Doctors and nurses are the most important here: a story for “Kurir” Katarina.

The companions came out to meet them, so they are always on the same shift.

– At no time did we get bored. It is easier for us when we are together. Many times I wanted to give up. So many crowds, so much work, I want to cry, I can do more. But he’s there, says: You should give up now. They need us. “And I continue. This has strengthened our love even more,” says Katarina.

Photo: Private archive

The bishop graduated from medical school, but has not worked in the profession so far. And first, well, man! Red zone.

– I only saw those spacesuits and glasses in the photos. Well that dress, you don’t even know how, it teaches you. And when you enter the red zone, another dimension. Monitors beep, pumps beep. It took time to fit in. Well fog glasses, you don’t see anything, not even the temperature list. And then you shake your head so that a drop of sweat falls on your glasses and makes a “path” where you will see. It was like this until we broke in even if our glasses were foggy. We had a hard time fitting in, we’re in spacesuits, we don’t know what our job is. I’m a man so it’s a little easier than Kaća. The hardest part is when human life is extinguished. And the worst thing is that you talk to the patient until the last moment, and in a minute he is intubated. And many never wake up – Vladica tells us.

And the arrival of his beloved to the red zone was just a shock for both of them.

– The government is on duty from 12 to 4 pm in the red zone. And they call me at 11 o’clock to start work and to enter the kovid zone at 4 o’clock. I texted him, but he didn’t see anything because he can’t have a phone with him. And we are in the buffer zone: I go in, he goes out. Shock, then joy on his face – Katarina recalls, and Vladica adds:

– I just go out, they spray me with disinfectants and look at my side – Kaća! How happy I was! But when I thought of the horror down there, I didn’t care for her, how she would handle it.

Half a year working in the red zone is a great experience and a great school.

– Now we can easily maintain all the shock with 15 patients alone – Vladica points out, while Katarina adds:

– When we see someone in society and they start to complain about the curfew, the isolation, saying that the crown does not exist, that it is only marketing, I tell them: “Come and see what marketing is!” People don’t realize how awful this is.

Katarina and Vladica are under contract at KC Nis until November. They would like to stay there, but also to start a family soon.

– We are planning a marriage one day, good health. We still have an employment contract, everything is in doubt, so we cannot think of something so big now. Maybe we can both lose our jobs – says Vladica.

They both thank prof. Dr. Radmilo Janković, director of the Anesthesia and Intensive Care Clinic and head of nurse Gordana Dragošev, but also Sasa Ristić, Mirela Stefanović and Marija Simić, who helped them a lot to cope with the red zone.


A special drama was when Katarina had a kidney attack, and what they are talking about now with laughter.

– A terrible pain begins in the middle of the night, let’s run to the ER. Terrible. All night in the ER, and at seven I have to go to work. I’m entering the red zone and I don’t know what’s going on with her in the ER. Also, I work three times for four hours, I can’t even sleep, Vladica remembers.


– KC Nis received a large number of doctors and nurses who volunteered to work in kovid hospitals. Her dedication, humanity and courage must never be forgotten. A large number of young nurses and medical technicians found themselves in the most difficult place, the intensive care of the Clinic of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, and gave their maximum in caring for the most seriously ill, sharing the difficult moments of the superhuman struggle for their lives. Among them are Katarina and Vladica. I am sure that they will continue their work with pride and responsibility and that, on the other hand, their next employment contract will be the most important: an indefinite employment contract. They deserved it, told Kurir Radmilo Janković, director of the Clinic for Anesthesia and Intensive Care at the Nis Clinical Center.

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