Love and the crown hit him on the head: he entered his house through the window and that’s where everything went wrong



19.12.2020. 07:34 – 19.12.2020. 07:46

Dejan M. (55) shot Svetlana B. (55), with whom he was in a relationship until recently, as well as his daughter. According to the first information, the reason was that he thought that Svetlana had infected him, but the locals also mention a strange love triangle as a reason.

Apartment, murder, police

Photo: Hola / Nenad Vujanović

Dejan M. (55), from the village of Orljevo near Petrovac na Mlavi, shot Svetlana B. (55), with whom he was in a relationship, on Wednesday night in the village of Sibnica near Žabar. He hit her on the arm and her daughter (35) on the fist. According to the first information, the reason was that he thought that Svetlana had infected him with the crown, but then it turned out that the cause could be in the love triangle, the third part of which is his daughter.

That is, as the source reveals “Hello!”, Dejan and Svetlana became ill and isolated themselves, each in their own home. About ten days ago, they were undergoing PCR tests, which came back negative. That event was a reason to believe that the crown was the cause of the attack.

According to the locals, Dejan helped Svetlana and her daughter financially, but also that in addition to her relationship with her mother, she was “watching” her daughter.

Everyone noticed that he was weak to her, he fulfilled all her wishes. It is said that he gave them about 30,000 euros. Everything was fine until Svetlana decided to break up with him while they were in isolation, and then his daughter told her that she did not want to contact him. – says our source.

Then he exploded, so on Wednesday night he broke into Svetlana’s house through the window. Svetlana got scared and fled to another part of the house, where her daughter and son-in-law live, who is the deputy commander of PS Žabari, and that night the commander of PS Žabari was with them. They tried to disarm him, and as they fought with him, the gun fired and the bullet hit Svetlana in the fist, scratching her daughter’s arm.

The Požarevac Superior Prosecutor’s Office ordered that Dejan M. be detained for a maximum of 48 hours on suspicion of attempted aggravated homicide. After the detention expired, his psychiatric expertise was requested to determine if he was sane at the time of the attack.
