Lost ski found in Stara planina PHOTO


The young man, a 22-year-old skier from Knjajevac, was found early this morning on the Pirot side of the mountain, the Zajear Police Department confirmed.

Source: B92

Photo: GSS

Photo: GSS

He went skiing around 3pm yesterday at the Babin Zub ski resort in Stara Planina, from where he lost the track.

The youths were found by GSS rescuers near the town of Zaskovci after a continuous search of the land that lasted just over 12 hours.

In addition to the GSS rescuers, members of the Ministry of the Interior, the Emergency Situations Sector, ski instructors, members of the border police and methane participated in the rescue operation.

Border police searched the area with drones and thermal cameras, and the thick fog and snow that began to fall last night made the search very difficult, according to the statement.

The GSS of Serbia is a voluntary non-profit organization whose main objective is to help and rescue in inaccessible mountain and urban conditions, “saving human lives, helping a person in need, is the basic task of this service.

The service has doctors, doctors of science, engineers, members of the army, special police units, students …

Photo: GSS

Photo: GSS
