BELGRADE – The tenants of the buildings in New Belgrade’s Block 45 don’t care all these days, because the block extends a warning to all the neighbors that strange signs have appeared next to certain apartments that nobody knows what they mean .
The citizens of New Belgrade were upset by these signs, and they are miniature crosses written with chemicals next to the front door bell.

One of the tenants posted on the Facebook group that he noticed the letter “X” written on the wall near the doorbell. He also said that it was noticed that it was repeated in several entrances, one apartment per floor.

“And we saw it a few weeks ago, block 64”, “My grandmother had an” X “carved into the bell solitaire, about 3 weeks ago. She lost a knife just in case”, “It was marked for us. we realized, a pizza delivery man warned us a month ago “…

The tenants believe that someone is writing their apartments like this, and one of them states: The thieves let every time you are not at home, with as many signs as possible, they know where to enter.
(Kurir.rs/Facebook Blok 45)

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Author: delivery courier