Look, arrests and searches in the streets of Belgrade! They also showed what they bring to work (VIDEO)


BELGRADE – Last night, the Minister of the Interior, Aleksandar Vulin, visited the members of the Intervention Unit 92 that patrolled the streets of Belgrade and said that they are the greatest allies of the citizens in the preservation of order, peace and security in our country.

“The intervention unit is the pride of every police administration. It is made up of special members who must meet very rigorous criteria and are not ordinary police officers. They are the ones who come when it is most difficult and where it is most difficult,” said the minister. Vulin, who visited the patrols with the director of the police, Vladimir Rebić, and the head of the Belgrade City Police Administration, Veselin Milić.

Intervention unit, Aleksandar Vulin, intervention
photo: MUP Srbije

The Minister called on citizens to respect and appreciate the work of the members of the Intervention Unit, because they are there to help people and do everything possible to make our country safe and secure.

Intervention unit, Aleksandar Vulin, intervention
photo: MUP Srbije

“Do not make them more problems than they have with criminals, respect them.” Count that they came with a good reason and no member of the Intervention Unit, nor any other police officer, has ever taken to the streets to hurt someone and inflict damage, “Minister Vulin said.

Intervention unit, Aleksandar Vulin, intervention
photo: MUP Srbije

The Minister told the citizens that they never see a threat or seek an opponent in the members of the Intervention Unit, but that they are their best allies to maintain order, peace and security in our country.

Intervention unit, Aleksandar Vulin, intervention
photo: MUP Srbije

During the night, members of Intervention Unit 92 participated in the arrest, assisting the criminal police, suspected of drug trafficking, when a certain amount of heroin was found, they arrested a man when they found marijuana during the search and detained a person for whom a court order was issued. Cut.


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