LONG TERM FORECAST UNTIL THE END OF OCTOBER: Meteorologist Todorović explained when the frost and rainy season will arrive


It will be sunny and very warm in Serbia until the end of the week, while it is expected to be cooler in the morning, in the valleys and valleys and with fog. The maximum temperature at the end of the week in most of Serbia will be 29 to 32 degrees, and sunny and warm weather is expected in Belgrade, with maximum temperatures of 30 to 32 degrees.

Meteorologist Nedeljko Todorovic spoke about weather conditions and emphasized that it is not relevant to talk about forecasts for a longer period because they are not reliable.

– Now it already indicates that September will be above the warm average. However, starting on September 20, the temperature will gradually decrease. It won’t be 30 degrees all the time. There will also be occasional clouds with a bit of rain. There shouldn’t be a lot of precipitation, Todorović told our portal.

As he emphasized, October will not deviate much either.

– It will be similar in October, with the average temperature dropping, because it should drop a bit. There will be the first frosts in October, but outside of Belgrade, in the valleys, in smaller places. It will not be in Belgrade because it is a hot island and it is a bit more difficult to have frosts at the same time in the capital and in small towns.

– The period is problematic for rainfall. There will likely be none in October. The other months are uncertain for now – explained the meteorologist.

Weather conditions will be favorable for meteorologists and chronic patients. As the meteorologist Todorović said, they do not react only to solar parameters, but also to the electromagnetic field, where the reaction is much greater, because they are hidden, than with meteorological ones.


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