Loncar: We will press misdemeanor charges for mass demonstrations, fines of 500,000 dinars


Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar announced that as of Monday night, joint teams of inspectors from the Ministry of Health and the police will monitor concentrations of people in excess of the 30 allowed, and that they will press charges against offenders.

The Minister said that the Crisis Staff relaxed some measures last week due to the good results, counting on personal responsibility and respect for the measures, but that this did not happen.

“Today we had an extraordinary staff session, because we do not want to jeopardize school attendance and health workers. We received images of social gatherings in the interior with 200, 300, up to 600 people, a ‘foam party’ with hundreds of participants, and this is not the moment for that is what we decided we would not tolerate, “said the minister on Pink TV.

He added that so far around 100 complaints of misconduct have been drawn up, and that from now on, members of the Ministry of Health and the Police will control the concentrations, and that the number 011 / 635-03-22 has been opened, where citizens can report those who do not respect the measures. .

“The fines are the minimum of 500,000 dinars, we will not think of minor fines because health is the most important thing,” Loncar said, adding that a day of intensive care treatment costs more than 1,000 euros, and that this irresponsibility costs the patient a lot. state.

Loncar added that the data on the number of infected depends directly on the behavior of citizens and that it is better to react preventively.

Regarding the new school year, the Minister of Health asked everyone to respect the prescribed measures.

Loncar called on citizens to unite, emphasizing that it is necessary in the fight against the crown, but also in the “decisive moments in which Serbia finds itself”, and asked the citizens to “all support President Aleksandar Vucic not to leave the problems to our children, if now we have the opportunity to solve something that will facilitate the future of our children “.

Read more news about Kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world in the page Coronavirus.
