Loncar: Belgrade broke the record, almost 5,600 views in the last 24 hours


“Belgrade broke the infamous record, we recorded almost 5,600 examinations in the last 24 hours,” Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar said after meeting with the directors of Kovid hospitals.

“The number of examinations throughout the country is growing, as well as the number of those who remain in treatment. The numbers will grow in the next few days, we expect the measures to give results in ten days,” Loncar added.

“We have redistributed the capacities, we have redistributed the people who work in both the kovid and non-kovid systems. And I hope we have secured places. I am not saying that everyone will stay in Belgrade, that they will be for hospital treatment. We have secured places. in Mladenovac, Loznica, that is, Banja Koviljača, in Niš and Kragujevac, so it would not be a surprise if someone had to go to those places to continue hospital treatment, ”said the Minister of Health.

He mentioned that there are more and more young people with a serious clinical picture, as well as that there are currently 1,100 health workers who test positive for coronavirus.

“Of them, 52 are in the hospital. In a couple of days, we need to open a hospital in Batajnica, and immediately afterwards a hospital in Krusevac,” Loncar said.

“Since 2014, 3,035 children have been sent abroad for treatment”

Loncar said that since 2014, 4,200 Serbian citizens have been sent abroad for treatment, of whom 3,035 are children, and 4.5 billion dinars have been set aside for that.

Loncar said that in response to a journalist’s question about criticism that due to the coronavirus, the treatment of children abroad is in the background and that it is not attended enough, and pointed out that in addition to the 3,035 children who were referred to treatment, 400 were sent only for diagnosis.

Stevanović: Infectious Disease Clinic Registry, more than 350 exams in 24 hours

Goran stevanovic
Source: Tanjug / Zoran Žestić

The director of the KCS Infectious Diseases Clinic, Dr. Goran Stevanović, stated that this institution recorded the highest number of examinations in 24 hours: more than 350.

“Mostly heavy patients, we received as much as we could, then we turned up with patients in extra beds. In intensive care, all places are full, 15 ventilators in full operation. As patients stabilize, we redistribute, so we go in in the afternoon and evening with about 10 percent of empty capacities, “said Stevanović.

Responding to a journalist’s question about his state of health, he said that “he was still convalescing”, but noted that “time cannot wait.”

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
