Ljajic after the arrest of five SDP officials: a few words about honorable and honest people – Politics


Today, following the arrest of five leaders of the Sandzak Democratic Party (SDP) in Novi Pazar on suspicion of abusing their official position, the president of the Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Rasim Ljajic, affirmed that they were honorable and honest people and that he was sure of they didn’t take a dinar.

Ljajic after the arrest of five SDP officials: A few words about honorable and honest people 1Photo: BETAPHOTO / GOVERNMENT OF SERBIA SLOBODAN MILJEVIC

“They are honorable and honest people and I am sure it will be confirmed that they are innocent and that they did not take a dinar. I know these people and I have as much confidence in them as in myself, “said Ljajic for the Nova.rs portal.

Ljajic also said he was confident that the investigation would show his innocence.

“I cannot know if there were errors in some public procurement procedures.” The prosecutor will determine that, but I repeat that what I know is that these detained people did not take a dinar, ”said Ljajic, who is the founder of the SDP.

On speculation that the detained officials abused their official position in relation to the public contracting of lighting in the Municipal Park, which was allegedly financed by the Ministry of Commerce, Tourism and Telecommunications while he was its owner, Ljajic noted that it was of a material error and that the Ministry did not do it. financed that project.

Members of the Special Department for the Suppression of Corruption in Novi Pazar today arrested 18 people, five of whom are high-ranking officials of the local self-government and the Sandzak Democratic Party, whose founder is Ljajic. They were arrested on suspicion of abuse of power and machinations during public procurement.

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