(LIVE) VUCIC GOES FROM KRUSEVAC: The KOVID hospital at the “Rasina” barracks is ready for the 20th (PHOTO / VIDEO)


Accompanied by the President, Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic, Health Minister Zlatibor Loncar, BIA Bratislav Gasic Director and Krusevac Mayor Jasmina Palurevic are visiting the works.

20.20 Questions from journalists

Responding to journalists’ questions, the President commented on the withdrawal of the decision on expulsion of the ambassador of Montenegro, Tarzan Milošević, from Serbia:

– Life and relationships between neighbors are more than concentrations. I have nothing to lose if I give up expelling the Montenegrin ambassador. I know he will criticize that too. We must not act like two rams on a log. It is our job to show that we want friendly and good relations – said the President.

He also addressed the outrageous attacks on members of the crisis staff, this time by Dr. Kon:

– Some remarks about Dr. Kon scare me. That man works every day and earns nothing for it, like everyone else. These people fight every day for our people and our citizens. We often have to find someone to blame for everything. Kona was carried over to the first Jewish origin and much more. They said nothing was understood. And who understands? It is criticized by people who invited people to the streets, after which we had hell in Belgrade – said the president.

– These people have indebted the country with work and effort. When did we build a hospital in Serbia, in the last 30 years or in a short time? asked the president.

20.14 President’s speech

– When we work in such a short time, and when you get into something like that quickly, you can’t even predict everything. There will be a special installation for the angio room here. It is true here that we will definitely end on the 20th. The fight is for every day. In 3 to 4 days we will begin to receive the first patients in Batajnica. We did everything possible to receive a large number of people: 800 patients. We should be able to see 500 patients here. Intensive care is the fastest moving forward, the president noted.

Photo: Printskrin

– Thanks to all those who fight, do not flee from responsibility, they fight to save people’s lives. I came to show how we care about our people and what the state is doing. I regret that I did not say that 3 hospitals should be built, another, for example, in Zrenjanin. That would be the full effect. These two hospitals should now cover all of Serbia.

Photo: Printskrin

The President pointed out that a difficult week awaits us and that he will accept everything proposed by the Crisis Staff after tomorrow’s meeting.

“I ask people to keep in mind that we have to pay for everything and that is why we cannot close everything,” said the president.

20.10 The workers informed the president that the heating installations had been installed and that a boiler room was being built.

Photo: S. Babović

Photo: S. Babović

20.05 – Happy work guys. All the best to you and your family – Vučić greeted the workers who welcomed him during a tour of the newly built hospital.

He expressed hope that there are no problems when it comes to medical workers, noting that there are many volunteers for Batajnica. The president of Serbia pointed out that there will be 150 beds in intensive care.

Photo: S. Babović

20.03 The president spoke with a worker who had a covid and thanked him for continuing to work after his recovery.

20.02 Great importance of the new hospital

During the visit, the president pointed out that there are a growing number of patients in this part of Serbia, so this hospital will be of great importance.

In a conversation with the workers, Vučić pointed out that there are many patients in Trstenik, Kragujevac and Kraljevo and that every day is important.

During the visit, the president asked if they had fixed the electricity, to which the workers responded affirmatively. He was interested in where the welders and other workers came from.

Photo: S. Babović

Photo: S. Babović

Photo: S. Babović

19.58 President Vučić arrived in Kruševac

Photo: S. Babović

Photo: S. Babović

Photo: S. Babović

Photo: S. Babović

Photo: S. Babović

Photo: S. Babović

19.48 The Minister of Health, Zlatibor Lončar, arrived

Photo: S. Babović

Photo: S. Babović

Photo: S. Babović

Photo: S. Babović

19.46 Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic arrived

Photo: S. Babović

Photo: S. Babović

Photo: S. Babović

19.26 – See what is happening in front of the Kovid Hospital in the attached photos and video:

19.22 – The President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić posted a photo of the road to Kruševac on Instagram.

The construction of a specialized health institution, which will be crucial in the fight against the epidemic in central and southern Serbia, began on August 10.

The total area of ​​the complex is 12,500 square meters and the hospital will have a capacity of about 500 beds, the contractor is the company “Termomont”. According to the plans known to “Novosti”, the Kruševac Hospital is practically a “smaller version” of the KOVID hospital in Batajnički Drum.

There will be several separate facilities (admission clinic, intensive and semi-intensive care, central facility, operating room, hemodialysis, laboratory, diagnostic department-scanner, MRI, X-ray). The Nis Clinical Center previously published an advertisement for 641 healthcare workers at Krusevac’s KOVID hospitals.

As announced, 129 doctors, 8 pharmacists and 504 nurses will get full-time jobs indefinitely. Anesthesiologists, pneumocrinologists, cardiologists, endocrinologists, nephrologists, hematologists, internists, infectologists, gynecologists, urologists, doctors of emergency medicine, otorhinolaryngology, neurology, transfusion, radiology, physical medicine and epidemiology.

It is also expected to employ 349 general nurses and technicians, 15 radiology technicians, 30 laboratory technicians, two nutritionists and three pharmaceutical technicians.

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