(LIVE) TWO MORE DEAD PEOPLE, INFECTED 82 Weak epidemic in Serbia, temporary hospitals are slowly emptying and closing


In Serbia, two people died in the last 24 hours as a result of coronavirus infection, and 82 people are positive for Covid 19. So far, 3,006 people have been cured.

The total number of deaths since the beginning of the epidemic is 215, and a total of 10,114 confirmed cases of coronavirus have been recorded.

Every day there are fewer patients with respirators, today there are a total of 39, four less than yesterday.

Since the last report, samples from 6,059 people have been analyzed. So far, a total of 134,533 people have been evaluated.

What we know so far:

  • The number of infected people worldwide exceeded four million, and more than 280,000 people died
  • Serbian lawmakers voted to lift the state of emergency on Wednesday, but emergency measures remain in place
  • With the abolition of the state of emergency in Serbia, the curfew will be abolished on Thursday, May 7, but some emergency measures remain: keep a distance, ban public gatherings
  • People over 65 will be able to move whenever they want, but it is recommended that they spend more time in their homes.
  • Restaurants and cafes, as well as public transportation in Novi Sad, Kragujevac and Nis, began operating on Monday, May 4.
  • As of Friday, May 8, city traffic has settled in Belgrade, and shopping malls have also opened.
  • Kindergartens and extended stays will open from May 11, while the release on May 18 is scheduled for air traffic.
  • Starting Monday, April 27, citizens over the age of 65 can go for an hour’s walk every day, between 6 p.m. and 1 a.m.
  • Preschool, school and higher education institutions do not work, teaching takes place remotely
  • Those who violate the decision on isolation may be sentenced to three years in prison.
  • The first patient in Serbia is a man from Subotica (43), and the first deceased man from Kikinda (59)

To always have the most accurate, fast and verified information, all about corona virus Read on the “Blic” blog live.

19.10 – Kon: in June, I expect the complete absence of the virus in Serbia

Epidemiologist Predrag Kon stated that we have entered the tenth week of the epidemic, when the curve is expected to drop to 1 percent, while in June we should have a total absence of coronavirus in Serbia.

– This is expected, we enter the tenth week, the epidemic falls below one percent on 11 and 12, until reaching zero, and we do not expect the presence of the virus in circulation in June. The fact that the virus still exists, the concessions began on April 27, in the first week we had gyms, beauty salons and hairdressers, nothing happened, on the contrary, the percentage continues to drop. Then we allowed the work of cafes and restaurants, public transport started to work, Predrag Kon told TV Pink.

Predrag KonPhoto: TV Pink / screenshot
Predrag Kon

19.00 – Air Serbia plane returns to our citizens of Paris tomorrow

The Air Serbia plane will return our citizens who want to return to the country from Paris tomorrow. The A319 plane should land at Belgrade airport in the afternoon. It is a special flight, but the return costs will not be borne by the Serbian government, but by the citizens themselves, the Serbian airline told Tanjug.

18.34 – Johnson & Johnson plans to produce ONE BILLION VACCINES

The pharmaceutical company “Johnson and Johnson” plans to produce a billion vaccines against the new corona virus next year. That was said by company representative Paul Stofels, who announced that clinical trials of the vaccine will begin in September, reports CNN.

18.20 – Dr. Radovanović: The weakening of the virus is a GROSS BAD CONCEPT, if we abandon the epidemic measures, THE SECOND WAVE ALREADY IN JUNE

Zoran Radovanovic Photo: Aleksandar Slavković / RAS Serbia
Zoran Radovanovic

When it thickens, salvation can only be provided by true professionals. And citizens, at least for the most part, have learned to protect themselves. It is a valuable experience for the next wave, because the state will not be able to stop life again, it would lead to bankruptcy or debt slavery, epidemiologist Dr. Zoran Radovanović, prof. Retired Faculty of Medicine.

Judging by the numbers and statistics available to the public, the first wave of the virus is slowly passing in Serbia. In the interview for “Blic”, Professor Radovanović recalls that the virus simply cannot magically evaporate, and that precautionary measures are still needed.

18.13 – Mosques and shrines in Iran remain closed

The largest mosques and shrines in Iran will remain closed due to the corona virus pandemic, but believers will be able to visit the mausoleum courtyards after the month of Ramadan, Iranian Health Minister Said Namaki said today.

More than 6,500 people have died in Iran as a result of coronavirus infection, while more than 105,000 people have been infected.

18.01 – After a month, the parks and playgrounds in Banja Luka are operational again

 Photo: Siniša Pašalić / RAS Serbia

The parks, picnic areas and nature gyms, which were closed by the city headquarters more than a month ago, will be open to the people of Banja Luka starting tomorrow. These public places have been fenced in and banned from use since April 3, authorities said, to prevent citizen gatherings and the possible spread of the coronavirus.

17.54 – In the north of Macedonia, a greater number of recovered patients than new ones

In the last 24 hours, more people recovered from the coronavirus were recorded than new cases in northern Macedonia. The virus was confirmed in 20 people and 24 recovered, the Ministry of Health announced.

Since the beginning of the epidemic, 1,642 people have been infected, while 91 have died.

17.45 – Montenegro: no new infections, 290 people have recovered from the virus

In Montenegro, 290 people have recovered from the corona virus, 25 are currently infected and there are no new cases, the Institute of Public Health announced.

In Ulcinj, 10 people were infected, in Podgorica six, in Bar and Gusinje three each, in Bijelo Polje, Plav and Herceg Novi one each. Since the beginning of the epidemic, 324 people have been infected and nine have died.

17.38 – “Banjica” disconnects from kovid system

The first health institution to be excluded from the covid system is the “Banjica” Institute of Orthopedic and Surgical Diseases, and that was decided last Monday at the meeting of the Minister of Health, hospital directors and union representatives.

The director of the Banjica Institute, Zoran Baščarević, stated that there are 44 more patients in the hospital who are in good condition.

 Photo: Vesna Lalic / RAS Serbia

17.30 – Kindergartens in Belgrade ready to accept children

All nurseries were disinfected, all green areas were treated, and the temperature will be measured at the entrance of the nurseries, and each nursery received a non-contact thermometer. Children will be divided into smaller groups.

Photo: D. Milenković / RAS Serbia

– 225 employees who were in Kovid hospitals during the state of emergency are not returning to kindergartens, that is, 61 nurses, 127 cleaners and some drivers. All of them voluntarily went to help the health system, now they are on vacation as they deserved, they will be evaluated, “said Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić for TV Prva.

17.21 – Nis could have been SERBIAN VUHAN

During more than 50 days of the epidemic, Nis, a city with just under 200,000 inhabitants, was the most affected. From the case of a woman from Lugano, who brought the infection to the city and made her the focus of the crown, to the entry of the virus into the Gerontology Center, 1,212 cases of infection have been registered to date.

However, the superhuman efforts of the doctors prevented Nis from becoming Serbian Vuhan.

17.13 – The registration of the champions begins on June 1

Parents can electronically, in mid-May, express interest in a particular school. Starting this year, work is easier for parents because they do not provide the documents themselves, but the school that needs to bring the child only once, when registering.

Photo: Nenad Mihajlović / RAS Serbia

– It is not necessary for parents to collect any document, but to complete the service on the electronic government portal, since we automatically obtain data from the birth registry, residence data and if the parents are employed so that preschoolers receive all the data electronically – said “RTS” Mihailo Jovanović, director of the Office of IT and Electronic Administration.

17.07 – Starting tomorrow, the courts will return to normal operation

Courts in Serbia will start with the standardization of work starting tomorrow, with the rules of conduct for employees and parties established by the High Judicial Council and the presidents of individual courts.

It is mandatory to wear masks and gloves when entering the court, as a rule of minimum distance between two people, both in court rooms and in corridors, bank counters and post offices that have some courts.

17.00 – Welcome

Welcome to the “Blic” live blog where we will follow all the events related to the coronavirus pandemic nationally and globally from one minute to the next.

Important phones

Epidemiological service telephone numbers for all information.

Special number of the Ministry of Health for matters related to the corona virus: 064 8945 235

Serbian Institute of Public Health “Dr. Milan Jovanović Batut”: 011 2684 566

Let us be responsible to ourselves and to others

To allow faster and more efficient communication between citizens and the competent epidemiological services, the Ministry of Health has introduced 20 additional telephone numbers for all information on the coronavirus.

The Ministry of Health has opened 10 additional numbers, and through the same link you can contact the phone numbers of all health centers throughout Serbia.

Unique contact center opened for Kovid 19-199819

Notification activation paragraph test

