At first, Prime Minister Brnabić recalled that during her last visit to Hit Tweet, President Vučić laid the foundation for the Tojo Tires factory in Inđija, and today another new factory, Continental!
– The most modern devices for automobiles will be produced there – he pointed out.
– The average salary in this factory will be much higher than the average – he stated and added that by 2025, the average salary in Serbia will be 900 euros!
Prime Minister Brnabić said that by the end of the year there will be higher wages in Serbia than in Bulgaria, which is a member of the EU.
He also spoke about the fight against the corona virus.
As he said, it is normal for the medical part of the Crisis Staff to require strict measures, and it is normal for the other part of the staff to think about the economy, so that people can keep their jobs, but also for mental health. of the NATION.
– We are all nervous, this is also happening in the Crisis Staff, but I think we are balancing ourselves quite well – he said, adding that the vaccine is the main thing in this fight.
-Thank God, we have a vaccine, almost no other country in Europe can boast of that, we have around 620,000 revaccinated, around one million and 30 thousand vaccinated with the first vaccine – he pointed out, adding that it is important for even more people to request vaccination.
He stated that Serbia has advanced very fast in terms of large investments, because “today more and more companies are investing in our country, and that will translate into higher exports and higher payments.”
– Serbia is going at incredible speed – says the Prime Minister.
– When we were in the meeting with the Germans, they told President Vučić “we want to thank you because everything was perfectly organized during the preparation of the investment and the construction of the factory, we were surprised by Serbia”.

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Nebojsa Krstic pointed out that the vaccine is safe, free and it is not clear why more people are not being vaccinated.
Božidar Spasić stated that the Germans did not accidentally pass through Novi Sad.

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– When everything is added together, an assessment is obtained from the intelligence services and other institutions. This is a sign of confidence in Serbia from Aleksandar Vučić, Spasić said.
Brnabic also spoke about the photos that President Vucic showed last night.
Brnabic notes that it was important to see the photos because “it is not a clash of fans”, but they are monsters.
“These are some of the less terrible photos,” Brnabić said, adding that, as the investigation progresses, there is a group of people who are connected both politically and in the media, as well as by some outside services.
– I think it will be proven, parts of the MUP, as well as the party to which I belong, are certainly involved.
– It seems to me that everything is online and nothing is accidental. Everything was aimed at ousting Aleksandar Vučić from power, without elections. Either to physically get away or go insane from foreign attacks on the family, he said.
– You have Professor Vuletić, who is both a “star” and a “Scream” and Impression of the Week. None of this is accidental and I think the ball is unwinding more and more. We will see if Mr. Professor Vuletić is right and why there is so much media support for him – says the Prime Minister.
He says he thinks people will only be surprised to see who was involved in these matters.
– The most shocking things are hidden out of consideration for families, but it is important that our citizens understand why the government stood up and to whom the president declared war and how dangerous it is.
He says that anyone in contact with these criminals “will show what kind of people they are.”
– Today, I carefully read the interview with Vuletic and I realized that Belivuk was not the leader, he was only the third, the fourth. It’s amazing how much relativization there is, how cruel and dangerous they were. They were connected with state structures, some media, they had large amounts of money, so they were probably also connected with some politicians.

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As the most important question, what was the ultimate goal of all this?
That, he says, was undoubtedly the ouster of President Vučić from power.
He says that Aleksandar Vučić is “the driving force of Serbia” and that thanks to him, Serbia is completely different from someone seven or eight years ago.
Marketing expert Krstic said he did not know Vladimir Vuletic and that the investigation would show what he was concerned about.
– When we spoke in public about the dilemma of showing images of body dismemberment, I remembered the images of Srebrenica, so I do not remember these comments. After Djindjic’s murder, we had photos of Shiptar and Kum. There is a reason to post here. These are the bodies of the criminals who came into conflict with them, they are not bystanders. A serious relativization campaign is underway, Krstić said.
He pointed out that this is an organization that has a huge amount of money, and that is why the State must nip the story in the bud and emphasize that it is not “about children” but about criminals.
– This story must be carried to the end. Citizens have the right to know what is happening, to be informed by the state what it is doing – emphasized Krstić.

Photo: Screen Print / Pink
A recording of Vuk Vukovic’s arrest was broadcast at the airport. Boža Spasić says that he is one of that clan and that the most important thing at the moment is that as soon as Belivuk was eliminated, a “new Belivuk” appeared.
Spasic noted that many members of Veljko Belivuk’s group undoubtedly tried to escape.
– The state is handling the crisis well. This was a crisis. A murder is planned. A sniper is not acquired that way, Spasić said.
– It is important that people know how complex all this is, we are still at the beginning of this fight. I think there has never been such teamwork in Serbia – said Brnabić, adding that he regretted that citizens did not see all the details of yesterday’s session.
– It is amazing how our security services, the prosecution and the prosecution are fighting to reveal every detail, what is the cooperation with some foreign services – he says and adds that more technology will be acquired to help in the investigation, specifically in the opening. criminal phones.
– It is a knot that is pulled thread by thread, only at the end we will see the whole picture – says the Prime Minister.
He points out that people from the Ministry of the Interior were recently questioned and recalls that they all fell on the polygraph.
– Everything that the citizens will see in the next few days has never been seen.
Yesterday, at the press conference after the session of the National Security Council, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin showed horrific images of the crimes of the Velja Nevolje clan, and tonight follows a sequel. .
Guests on the program are Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić, former senior SDB official Božidar Spasić, and marketing expert Nebojša Krstić.
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