LIVE The day started worse than yesterday: Belgrade is full, ambulances and Pozarevac


Belgrade: The ambulance transported kovid patients to the surrounding cities overnight because Belgrade is full. Pelemis cautions that measures must be tightened immediately. Headquarters is ambushed tomorrow.

Source: B92

zx6r92 / depositphotos

zx6r92 / depositphotos

A member of the Crisis Staff, Dr. Predrag Kon, affirmed yesterday that the health system is about to be shot. Belgrade, as the biggest hot spot, appears to have filled all capacities, so patients were transported to Pozarevac.

As indicated from the Emergency Room, patients with suspected COVID-19 were also transported to Smederevska Palanka, Smederevo and Pozarevac.

Yesterday, more than five thousand five hundred new infected were registered in Serbia, and the day also began with a report from the Emergency Room, from where it was later said that they were transporting covid patients throughout the night. What awaits us today?

Due to the worsening epidemiological situation in Serbia, which was announced by almost all relevant experts, an emergency session of the Crisis Personnel has been scheduled for Friday at 9 o’clock. According to media reports, there are three new measures on the table.
