(LIVE) SESSION OF THE PARLIAMENT OF MONTENEGRO: The debate on the Law of Religious Freedom began (VIDEO)


23:40 The debate on the Law of Religious Freedom ends

23:39 Jelušić: I was against voting on this law now

BP URA MP Božena Jelušić said that the Orthodox Church in Montenegro today cannot reconcile its believers, due to the entry of politics through the front door.

– I was against voting this law now for the moment, due to the brief public debate and that there is a dispute on the constitutionality – Jelusic said.

3:27 Radunović: Criminal charges continue for what Ivanović did

Democratic Front deputy Slaven Radunovic said he knew the president of the state electoral commission (SEC), Aleksa Ivanovic, superficially, “but well enough to be an experienced lawyer.”

– What he did is not a mistake, I think that an experienced lawyer cannot do something like that without being blackmailed by something terrible. I’m not even sure that he was not threatened with the kidnapping of a relative or some other evil. A normal man, a lawyer, cannot do this to himself because this is followed by a criminal report for what he did, Radunović said.

23:17 MP Bognadović, Peace is our nation

The Law on Religious Freedom is a key stumbling block between the citizens of Montenegro and the old regime, that is, the current opposition. With these changes, we make the relations between religious communities fair.

He added that the adoption of these changes puts an end to the law that brother fought against brother and whose sole purpose was to raise the greatest tensions in Montenegro.

23:16 Vladimir Leposavic – Conditions are being created for legal violence to end

These changes create the conditions for the cessation of legal violence that leads to the annulment of a person and their rights, Justice Minister Vladimir Leposavić said, explaining the changes to the controversial provisions of the Religious Freedom Law.

“With this legal text, a new era of the rule of law begins in Montenegro, and thus Montenegro begins to exist again, as it should be and as it is in its goals and hearts,” said Leposavic, adding that Metropolitan Amfilohije and the patriarch SOC Irinej gave his life to defend the saints.

22:57 The debate on the Law of Religious Freedom has begun

The debate on the amendments to the religious freedom law started in the Parliament of Montenegro. The proposal by Marta Šćepanović (DPS) to omit the amendments to the Rules of the Agenda did not obtain the required majority.

22:55 The order of business for the session was approved.

Before that, the Speaker of the Parliament of Montenegro Aleksa Bečić said that the attempt to obstruct the State Electoral Commission (SEC) is something that the history of Montenegrin, European and world parliamentarism does not recall.

We remind you that the State Elections Commission previously refused to verify the mandate of Suada Zoronjic, who was elected from the “Black on White” list, after Parliament reported that Filip Adzic had resigned. Meanwhile, Zornjic’s mandate was verified.

MP Maja Vukićević (DF) and MP Jevto Eraković (DPS), who were not involved in today’s work in parliament, were able to participate in remote work.

22:30 – Mandić, Krivokapić and Abazović arrive at Parliament

Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic, Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic and Serbian New Democracy Leader Andrija Mandic arrived in Parliament.

Mandic previously held a meeting with members of the For the Future of Montenegro coalition. He supported them not to accept blackmailing and breaking the law by people from the old regime.

– The parliamentary majority is obliged to guarantee the proper functioning of Parliament and the approval of laws supported by the majority of citizens. The most important law that should be passed tonight is the amended Religious Freedom Law, Andrija Mandić told deputies.

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