(LIVE) PRESIDENT VUCIC ON RTS: We have done everything possible for Serbia to preserve the peace without losing anything


On the negotiations in Washington

– People have to understand the context. Until a year ago, we had a division into east and west, and our country was on the European path where most of the countries recognized the independence of Kosovo. On the other hand, we had Russia and China, who are close to us, and they did not recognize the Pristina authorities, Vučić said at the beginning of his speech.

– When those two poles existed, we could maintain our position in a relatively comfortable way. They keep saying that they don’t sit in two chairs, and I replied that we always sit in one Serbian chair. Today, the situation is much more complex. We have the United States, then the EU, China and Russia. There are also regional powers like Turkey. Our position is not easy. For us, the doors of the White House have always been closed.

He remembers that the White House was reserved for Albanians and others who have been against Serbs for the last 30 years, but he believes that the United States has opened that door.

– We have done everything possible for Serbia to preserve the peace, without losing anything – said Vučić.

Vučić pointed out that, for the first time, Serbia was shown respect and that they marked us as an important factor.

– After all, look at their reactions and the way they reacted to Pristina and Belgrade. Remember, we could have dreamed of 4 freedoms before. Freedom of movement of people, goods, capital and services. If the Americans hadn’t started it, a mini Schengen couldn’t exist.

He recalled that Albanian leaders said they were going to Washington for recognition and that some in Serbia said so as well.

– I know I refused to acknowledge Kosmet in the most difficult place in the world, but this is not the first time I have refused. After that, there was no more talk about it in the White House. Then the story about me sitting down began, even though Kushner and Pence, much older statesmen, were standing next to me. I’m not interested in chairs, I just need to put the papers. I could also sit on the carpet or on the parquet, it is important for me to fight for my country, Serbia. We have preserved the dignity of the country and have shown that Serbia can be respected in America after 30 years.

Conversations with Putin: “He apologized to me for Zaharova”

The president noted that he spoke with Putin and that it was a great conversation.

– I often have consultations with him, and you yourself saw what the reaction of Russia was. If we exclude the movement of Maria Zaharov, which was reckless. I must also say that Putin and Lavrov never apologized to me, and now they have.

Regarding the signed point on the diversification of energy sources, Vučić said that it was not just gas.

– It is not written in the agreement. I told them that we would buy the gasoline that is cheapest and that suits us best. We have no problem with energy diversification, but we will not pay more in place of favorable Russian gas.

Vučić also emphasized that Putin perfectly understands all the problems facing our country, and that is exactly why he received the Order of Alexander Nevsky.

– Putin appreciates the fact that we are a small country that is struggling with many problems and, despite that, we continue to grow.

Photo: print screen

Kini in Israel

The President also clarified that Serbia will comply with everything that is written in the agreement, unless no one else respects it, and emphasized that relations with China remain excellent, despite certain criticisms. He also emphasized that PKS will open an office in Jerusalem, which is excellent for new investments in our country.

– And then it said behind the comma: “Move your embassy to Jerusalem by June 2021.” That is the only thing he writes, because I heard notorious lies about how we signed the independence of Kosovo. That is what we ask our hosts. Israel is America’s most important ally – said Vučić, clarifying that it is out of the question for Serbia to harmonize with the recognition of Kosovo by any country.

– I’ll tell Netanyahu tomorrow. It is an extremely powerful country, much more powerful than us. But I will tell Netanyahu that we are not satisfied and happy with his recognition of independence. We’ll see if we can move the embassy.

The president said he held talks with representatives of the great powers in Brussels, who were not satisfied with the violation of the resolution that prohibited the transfer of the embassy to Jerusalem.

– I told them they violated Resolution 1244 and the two leaders were shocked.

The president clarified what the moratorium means

Vučić emphasized that Serbia today is richer and incomparably stronger, both economically and militarily.

– Serbia is not a handful of oats and nobody can corner us. As for the moratorium to end lobbying, Pristina cannot get any new recognition anyway, except perhaps Israel. For the next year, they cannot even dream of independence, until they get it from Serbia, and they will never get it.

Vučić on the negotiations in Brussels

– The European Union wants to reach an agreement, which they themselves do not know what it should mean. But let the Albanians do better than us. I told them it wasn’t going to happen. I said not in the most difficult place, I have no problem saying that to them too.

Vučić said that some imagined that they would not solve the problem in essence, but that they would put pressure on Serbia, and they were convinced that this would solve the problem.

– And that won’t happen. I keep asking them, “What will the Serbs get?” It is as if Albanians have the right to self-determination, while Serbs do not. According to what principle of public international law this occurs.

The President of Serbia stressed that Pristina does not want to deal with property rights and the Union of Serbian Municipalities at all.

– Their idea is to blackmail us, they want recognition to solve important problems. They will not show the slightest goodwill towards the Serbs. I know, I participated in important agreements – said Vučić, emphasizing that the EU must strive for a compromise.

He said once again that Serbia will not be humiliated and that they can no longer promise us EU membership, as circumstances have changed in relation to the accession of Romania and Bulgaria.

– We seek a compromise, peace is what is best for us. I hope that Brussels will find the strength to understand what we are talking about. The fewer Serbs leaving Kosovo and Metohija compared to all previous decades, which means that we have done a good job for our people below.

President in mini Schengen

Vučić emphasized that Serbia is willing to participate to facilitate the flow of goods, people and services throughout the Balkans.

– In this way, we are increasing the capacity of the entire region for an additional flow of foreign investment. This is our chance, so we need to talk to everyone who knows what commitment means.

The president emphasized that the mini Schengen is a tremendously good move on the part of the US administration, because someone in Washington well understood that it was the solution to our problems.

– The advantage of that is obvious to our people and to everyone else. I am very proud of that idea, although it is not just mine. I spoke with Rama, we always go to Brussels to speak against each other. Let’s get together, so we can deliver the demands to them, see if they reject us so easily.

On the arrival of the United States Development Agency (DFC)

– We will obtain the most favorable funds, at absolutely minimal interest rates. It will give us the most favorable conditions. Americans, as you know, are very serious negotiators.

The president said that the Americans did not condition Serbia on the fact that their companies should be contractors, but they will probably fight for that. Vučić also revealed that an agreement on assistance to small and medium-sized businesses was reached at the initiative of Ivanka Trump.

– If US agencies such as DFC came, small and medium-sized companies would receive large funds under the most favorable conditions, and the improvement and further growth of our economy would be felt immediately.

The president also announced large investments: a large company will open a factory in Zajecar, then there will be new investments in Ćuprija and other places in Serbia.

Recovering the economy from the coronavirus epidemic

– So far, we have given 4.3 billion euros for the recovery, and when you look at other countries in proportion, that’s the maximum – said Vučić.

The president said that nothing is ever enough, but that the state will continue to fight and that is exactly why the minimum will be raised.

– We have to find something, as far as the minimum is concerned, that allows the poorest to grow in standards, and we have to do all that at the time of the crown, when they all plan to be fired. We will try to encourage everything we can, through investments and state aid. For us, construction is now below software exports. Give people that we can build a lot, those jobs feed a lot of people.

Vučić stressed that there will be another one-time payment for retirees and said that Serbia is a strong country that can allow that.

Vucic on pensions

– Our calculation is that the growth of pensions could be six percent. For those who had a pension of 20,000 in 2012, it will be 27,000 dinars. Six percent is what is in line with the Swiss model at the moment.

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