(LIVE) FAREWELL OF THE PATRIARCH: Liturgy is served, believers say goodbye to Irinej (PHOTO / VIDEO)


09.25 – Believers respect the measurements

The believers respect the recommendations and do not make a fuss, and most of them leave the temple after the mail is delivered.

09.15 Believers kiss the coffin of the patriarch

More and more people in Belgrade pay their last respects to Serbian Patriarch Irinej.

Photo: V. Danilov

The body is covered with a transparent plexiglass plate that is occasionally disinfected for the safety of believers.

08.56 Chrysostom serves the liturgy

08:30 The body of the patriarch was transferred to the Cathedral.

The Serbian army guards brought the coffin of the patriarch to the Cathedral and the body of the patriarch will be displayed during the liturgy of the holy hierarch in charge of Bishop Chrysostom of Dabro-Bosnia.

All epidemiological measures have been taken, about which you can read in SPECIAL NEWS.

08:27 Guard line in front of the Patriarchate

The coffin with the body of Patriarch Irinej arrived in front of the building of the Patriarchate of the Serbian Orthodox Church around 8:20 in a column of military vehicles.

The remains of the earth were taken to the Chapel of the Patriarchate, where a small service will be held, and then it will be exhibited in the Cathedral. Between the Patriarchate and the Cathedral there is a line of guards who pay their last respects to the late Patriarch Irinej

The body of the late Patriarch Irinej should, after the liturgy, be transferred to the Church of Saint Sava in Vracar. From the Cathedral, the column with the body of the patriarch will depart around 11:30 am towards the Church of Saint Sava, in front of which it will be received by members of the Serbian Army, and in the Church itself by the clergy of the Archdiocese of Belgrade and Karlovac. A memorial service is scheduled for 12.30 at the temple of St. Sava, and then, during the day and night, the priests of Belgrade will read the Holy Gospels on the scaffold.

Detailed plan and schedule of the farewell of the blessed patriarch

From the Cathedral, the column with the body of the patriarch will depart around 11.30 am towards the Church of St. Sava, in front of which it will be received by members of the Serbian army, and in the church by the clergy of the Archdiocese of Belgrade and Karlovac, he said priest Dragan Shovljanski for RTS.

“A memorial service is scheduled for 12.30 in the temple of St. Sava over the body of the blessed patriarch, and after that, during the day and night, the priests of Belgrade will read the Holy Gospel on the scaffold,” Shovljanski said. The liturgy of rest begins on Sunday at 9 am and will be served in the central part of the temple, where the body of the patriarch will be exhibited.
Shovljanski mentioned that according to the recommendations of the Crisis Personnel and all epidemiological measures, it will not be possible to kiss the body of the patriarch. “People will be able to enter from the west side of the temple through the central entrance and approach a few meters from the body, bow and leave again,” said the priest. He called on all believers to wear masks, not to stay too long, and not to make crowds. The patriarch will be buried on Sunday in the crypt of the St. Sava temple after the liturgy and service. The liturgy is expected to be served by Bishop Chrysostom of Dabro-Bosnia, who, as the oldest bishop, will preside over the Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church until the election of a new patriarch.

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