(LIVE) BRNABIĆ AFTER THE SESSION: All facility work is limited, no school closings!


– I accepted the advice of the crisis headquarters to introduce even more restrictive measures to stop the spread of the virus and the government decided to limit the work of everything, restaurants, but also shopping centers, except pharmacies, food delivery, gas stations and the economy who works the third shift. – says Brnabić.

He added that the working hours of all other facilities are limited, so they must be closed from 9 to 5 in the afternoon as of Tuesday, November 17.

This measure will last for 15 days, until December 1, when it will be decided whether the measures should be extended or toughened.

He says that the only measure that remains is the prohibition of movement, but the government is not for that.

– If it is the most necessary, and we are not in favor, we know that it is the next measure, but I believe that today’s measure will pay off – says Brnabić.

She says she had a meeting with President Vučić this morning to assess the situation.

Far from treatment settings in other countries

– As you know, all the time during the fight against the corona virus, we try to find the best possible balance between health measures and the economy, which is certainly equally important – he says and adds that it is important because a lot of money is reserved for medicines , additional medical devices and the like.

He claims that we still have free beds in hospitals, which is not the case in many EU countries, and that shows how difficult this period is.

He states that we are far from the stage of sending patients for treatment to another country and that he believes that will never happen.

– We have protective equipment, medications, respirators, oxygen and tests.

He says that in our country the results of the tests are obtained very quickly, the wait is five to 12 hours, and in many other countries the wait exceeds five days, and some do not even have the capacity to process tests.

Serbia is the country that best fights

– We have opened additional capacities for testing, Serbia is the country in this part of Europe with the most tests, followed by Slovenia and then Romania – said the Prime Minister.

He says that Serbia will finish this year with the best economic results in the country.

That, he says, coupled with a good fight against the virus, shows how hard we work.

– I think that in this terrible situation, Serbia is both the health and economic country that is struggling the best – he says, adding that we must try to save time so that we can recover and prepare health workers for the next period, until the vaccine arrives.

He also announced the opening of two more hospitals.

Schools don’t close

– We take the measures on time, we try to buy every day from the beginning – he said and expressed his gratitude to health and the economy for their work and struggle.

– At the moment, I am absolutely in favor of the schools continuing to function – says the Prime Minister, adding that there are 39 infected students in primary schools, 20 of them in Belgrade.

He says that it is clear that the situation in the schools is safe and that the measures are being respected.

He called on the public to respect the measures, keep physical distance and wear masks.

“Understand the workers, respect the measures”

Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar thanked all the workers and said that “thanks to them, we are not in a situation where patients have to go to another country for treatment.”

– I am sure that you will be successful in the subsequent fight, and you will have all the support as before – says Lončar.

He adds that it is the most difficult in Belgrade and reveals that today the entire Selters Spa is turning into a kovid hospital, and tomorrow the Koviljača Spa.

He called on citizens to adhere to the measures to help curb the spread of the virus, because, as he stated, there are no capacities that are inexhaustible.

– Understand workers who change cities and hospitals – he says and adds that parties and celebrations were the greatest risk and that this must stop.

“The fight that we all win together or lose”

As the Prime Minister said, she believes much more in the conscience of individuals than in criminal policy, because “this is not a fight that we can win alone, or all together, or lose.”

– There are not enough inspections to visit all restaurants, shopping centers, I think it is more than clear why these measures were introduced – says the Prime Minister.

He says that he believes this measure is timely, that not a single day has been lost.

– It would be safer if we don’t cancel the March curfew, but is it possible to live like this? – wondered the Prime Minister and said that Serbia is still “in the green” when it comes to fighting the corona virus.

She affirms that she believes that, as a government, they have shown that they know how to protect the health system and adds that she is proud of how persevering, brave and brave the workers are.

– However, you must have an entry in the budget, and not a single day in the hospital is cheap – Brnabić points out, saying that “every day of struggle brings unforeseen costs for the state.”

That is why, he says, it is very important to strike a balance between measures and the economy.

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