List of measures in force in Serbia: what the crisis staff decided


The crisis staff decided measures currently in force remain in force and for the next weekend.

Let us remind you that the ban on gathering more than five people outdoors, as well as indoors, is in effect.

What doesn’t work for the weekend

There will be no cafes, restaurants and other catering facilities, hair and beauty salons, boutiques, shopping centers, gyms, spas, children’s play rooms.

Monday through Friday, they can work until 5 pm

What does he do for the weekend

During the weekend, pharmacies, grocery stores, pumps, newsstands, labs, and surgeries can operate.

Food delivery is allowed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Restaurants and bars located within the hotel and private accommodations can provide their services solely and exclusively to registered and registered guests until 9 pm every day.

Cultural institutions work longer

The novelty is that from Monday, cultural institutions – cinemas, theaters, galleries – can work more on weekdays, that is, until 9:00 p.m.

They are open until 5pm this weekend.

Measures at the entrance of the country

Starting on Sunday, foreigners coming to Serbia can enter only if they have a negative p-si-ar test, no more than 48 hours.

Citizens of Serbia who do not have a negative p-si-ar test must be quarantined for 10 days.

This measure is no longer valid for our citizens if a person decides to take the test during the quarantine period and receives a negative p-si-ar test.

Price of pi-si-ar test increases

Starting January 1, if the personal request is increased, it will increase from 6,000 to 9,000 dinars.

Virologist and crisis staff member Tanja Jovanović explained to RTS that three factors affect the cost of the test.

Home tests for the coronavirus, which cost around 1,400 dinars, appeared in pharmacies in Belgrade on Thursday. They are from the Pharmacy “Belgrade” in detail explained to RTS how that test is used.

For two days, masks have also been compulsory for children over four years of age.

New year and holidays in question

Crisis staff have yet to make a decision on what measures will be in place during the new year and holidays, considering that any meeting can trigger an epidemic.

Speaking about it for RTS, epidemiologist Predrag Kon said that it is unrealistic for the New Year to be celebrated as if nothing is happening.

The immunologist and member of the Crisis Staff, Srdja Janković, says that the medical part of the Crisis Staff is not to mitigate the measures adopted and points out that the current situation does not allow it.

The authorities are asking that the next baptism be celebrated in the family circle, without meetings.

A new session of the Crisis Staff is scheduled for Monday at 8 am, and then the anti-epidemic measures will be considered and specified again.
